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Posted 11/1/2007 Printable Fact Sheet
1st Fighter Wing Emblem
1st Fighter Wing Emblem
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Lineage. Established as 1 Fighter Wing on 28 Jul 1947. Organized on 15 Aug 1947. Redesignated 1 Fighter-Interceptor Wing on 16 Apr 1950. Inactivated on 6 Feb 1952. Redesignated 1 Fighter Wing (Air Defense) on 14 Sep 1956. Activated on 18 Oct 1956. Redesignated: 1 Tactical Fighter Wing on 1 Oct 1970; 1 Fighter Wing on 1 Oct 1991.

Assignments. Twelfth Air Force, 15 Aug 1947; Fourth Air Force, 20 Dec 1948; Fifteenth Air Force, 1 May 1949 (attached to 22 Bombardment Wing, 1 Jul 1949-1 Apr 1950); Fourth Air Force, 1 Jul 1950 (attached to Western Air Defense Force, 1-31 Jul 1950); Western Air Defense Force, 1 Aug 1950-6 Feb 1952 (attached to: Southern California Air Defense Sector [Provisional], 7 Aug-19 Sep 1950; 27 Air Division, 20 Sep 1950-c. 6 Feb 1952). 30 Air Division, 18 Oct 1956; Detroit Air Defense Sector, 1 Apr 1959; 34 Air Division, 1 Apr 1966; 23 Air Division, 1 Dec 1969; 26 Air Division, 31 Dec 1969; 836 Air Division, 1 Oct 1970; Ninth Air Force, 30 Sep 1971-.

Components. Wings. 22 Bombardment: attached 10 May-30 Jun 1949. 67 Reconnaissnce (later, 67 Tactical Reconnaissance): attached 25 Nov 1947-28 Mar 1949. Groups. 1 Fighter (later, 1 Fighter-Interceptor; 1 Fighter; 1 Operations): 15 Aug 1947-6 Feb 1952 (detached 15 Aug 1950-3 Jun 1951); 18 Oct 1956-1 Feb 1961; 1 Oct 1991-. 1 Rescue: 14 Jun 1995-1 Apr 1997. 67 Reconnaissnce: 15 Aug-25 Nov 1947. Squadrons. 6 Airborne Command and Control: 19 Apr 1976-1 Oct 1991. 7 Liaison: 1 Sep 1947-28 Mar 1949. 27 Tactical Fighter: 1 Jul 1971-1 Oct 1991 (detached 7 Aug 1990-8 Mar 1991). 45 Tactical Fighter: 1 Oct 1970-1 Jul 1971. 46 Tactical Fighter: 1 Oct 1970-1 Jul 1971. 47 Tactical Fighter: 1 Oct 1970-1 Jul 1971. 71 Fighter-Interceptor (later, 71 Tactical Fighter): 1 Feb 1961-16 Jan 1967; 1 Jul 1971-1 Oct 1991 (detached 7 Aug 1990-8 Mar 1991). 84 Fighter-Interceptor: 31 Dec 1969-1 Oct 1970. 94 Fighter-Interceptor (later, 94 Tactical Fighter): attached 15 Aug 1950-3 Jun 1951; assigned 1 Feb 1961-1 Dec 1969 (detached 24 May-3 Nov 1969); assigned 1 Jul 1971-1 Oct 1991. 188 Fighter-Interceptor: attached 15 Jun 1951-6 Feb 1952. 4424 Combat Crew Training: 1 Oct 1970-30 Jun 1972. 4501 Tactical Fighter Replacement: 1 Oct 1971-30 Jun 1975. Flights. 4401 Helicopter: 31 Mar 1987-1 Oct 1991.

Stations. March Field (later, AFB), CA, 15 Aug 1947; George AFB, CA, 18 Jul 1950; Norton AFB, CA, 1 Dec 1951-6 Feb 1952. Selfridge AFB, MI, 18 Oct 1956; Hamilton AFB, CA, 31 Dec 1969; MacDill AFB, FL, 1 Oct 1970; Langley AFB, VA, 30 Jun 1975-

Commanders. Col Carl J. Crane, 15 Aug 1947; Col Elvin F. Maughn, 19 Jan 1948; Col Clifford H. Rees, 17 May 1948; Col Joseph H. Davidson, 13 Jan 1949; Col George McCoy Jr., 14 Jun 1949; Col William L. Lee, 19 Aug 1949; Col Wiley D. Ganey, 4 Jan 1950; Col George McCoy Jr., 17 Feb 1950; Brig Gen Donald R. Hutchinson, c. 17 Oct 1950; Col Dolf E. Muehleisen, 14 Dec 1950; Col Robert F. Worley, c. Jun 1951-6 Feb 1952. Col Glenn E. Duncan, 18 Oct 1956; Col Charles D. Sonnkalb, c. Aug 1959; Col George J. LaBreche, c. Dec 1960; Col Ralph G. Taylor Jr., 15 Jun 1962; Col Wallace B. Frank, 11 Sep 1963; Col Converse B. Kelly, 16 Sep 1963; Col Kenneth E. Rosebush, Aug 1966; Col Taras T. Popovich, 29 Apr 1968; Col Morris B. Pitts, c. 31 Oct 1969; Col Mervin M. Taylor, Jan 1970; Col Travis R. McNeil, 1 Oct 1970; Col Robert F. Titus, 1 Mar 1971; Col Howard W. Leaf, 6 May 1971; Col Walter D. Druen Jr., 1 Nov 1971; Col Sydney L. Davis, 18 Apr 1972; Col Gerald J. Carey Jr., 25 Jun 1973; Col Ernest A. Bedke, by Jun 1975; Lt Col George H. Miller, 1 Jul 1975; Brig Gen Larry D. Welch, 1 Aug 1975; Brig Gen John T. Chain Jr., 1 Aug 1977; Col Neil L. Eddins, 27 Mar 1978; Col Donald L. Miller, 15 May 1979; Brig Gen William T. Tolbert, 11 Aug 1980; Brig Gen Eugene H. Fischer, 29 Jan 1982; Brig Gen Henry Viccellio Jr., 6 Apr 1983; Brig Gen Billy G. McCoy, 31 May 1985; Col Buster C. Glosson, 10 Jul 1986; Col Richard B. Myers, 11 Jun 1987; Col John M. McBroom, 24 Feb 1989; Col David J. McCloud, 27 Jun 1991; Brig Gen Gregory S. Martin, 15 Jun 1993; Brig Gen William R. Looney III, 23 May 1995; Col Felix Dupre, 11 Apr 1996 (temporary); Brig Gen William R. Looney III, 29 Jun 1996; Brig Gen Theodore W. Lay II, 10 Jul 1996; Col Gary R. Dylewski, 21 Oct 1997; Col Felix Dupre, 7 Apr 1999; Brig Gen Stephen M. Goldfein, 10 Apr 2000; Col Stephen J. Miller, 11 Jan 2002; Col Frank Gorenc, 2 Sep 2003; Brig Gen Burton M. Field, 15 Jun 2005-.

Aircraft. P (later, F)-80, 1947-1949; RF-80, 1947-1949; FA (later, RB)-26, 1947-1949; L-13, 1947-1949; B-26, 1948-1949; L-4, 1948-1949; L-5, 1948-1949; F-86, 1949-1952; B-29, 1949; F-51, 1951-1952. F-86, 1956-1960; F/TF-102, 1958-1960; F-106, 1960-1969, 1969-1970; F-4, 1970-1975; B-57, 1970-1972; F-15, 1975-; EC-135, 1976-1992; HH-3, 1993-1994; HC-130, 1993-1997; C-21, 1993-1997; HH-60, 1994-1997; F-22, 2005-.

Operations. Trained in fighter and reconnaissance operations and supported strategic bombardment training, 1947-1950. Was integrated experimentally with a reconnaissance wing, 1947-1949, and with a bombardment wing, 1949-1950, sharing commanders during much of this time. Supported Operation Haylift, a humanitarian effort to deliver food to snowbound cattle in the western United States, 1949. Provided air defense in southern California from mid-1950 until inactivated in 1952. Provided air defense in the upper Midwest area, 1956 through 1969, then moved to central California, still in an air defense role. Had no tactical units under its control, May-Nov 1969. Moved to Florida in Oct 1970, where its mission changed to tactical fighter, assuming operational commitments of the 15 TFW. Assumed an F-4 transitional and replacement pilot training role in 1971. Moved to Virginia in 1975 and converted to F-15s. Participated in the F-15 weapons system evaluation program in 1976. Operated UH-1 helicopters to meet command requirements and range support, 1975-1995. Added the 6 Airborne Command and Control Squadron, equipped with EC-135 aircraft in Apr 1976 and supported US Commander-in-Chief Atlantic (USCINCLANT) with deployments throughout the Atlantic region until early 1992. Deployed 27 and 71 Fighter Squadrons and support personnel to participate in UN operations to free Kuwait, Aug 1990-Mar 1991. Continued deployments of squadron elements on a rotational basis to Saudi Arabia as part of peacekeeping force, Mar 1991-1997. Controlled an air rescue mission at Patrick AFB, FL, from Feb 1993, including deploying combat search and rescue forces to Southwest Asia, Iceland, and elsewhere, until those forces were reassigned on 1 Apr 1997. Fulfilled an operational support airlift role, 1 Apr 1993-1 Apr 1997. Tested the Air Expeditionary Force (AEF) rapid deployment concept, Apr-Jun 1996. For several months following Sep 11, 2001, performed homeland defense operations, maintained aircraft on alert, and flew combat air patrol missions. Deployed units and elements to support the war on terrorism. First wing to implement the Combat Wing Organization reorganization in 2003. Received first F/A-22 Raptor aircraft in 2005.

Service Streamers. None.

Campaign Streamers. Southwest Asia: Defense of Saudi Arabia; Liberation and Defense of Kuwait.

Armed Forces Expeditionary Streamers. None.

Decorations. Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards: 1 Jul 1975-31 Oct 1976; 15 Jun 1982-15 Jun 1984; 16 Jun 1984-15 Jun 1986; 1 Jun 1995-31 May 1997; 1 Jun 1998-31 May 2000; 1 Jun 2000-31 May 2001.

Bestowed Honors. Authorized to display honors earned by the 1 Operations Group prior to 15 Aug 1947. Service Streamers. None. Campaign Streamers. World War I: Champagne-Marne; Aisne-Marne; Oise-Aisne; St Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne; Lorraine Defensive Sector; Champagne Defensive Sector. World War II: Air Offensive, Europe; Algeria-French Morocco; Tunisia; Sicily; Naples-Foggia; Anzio; Rome-Arno; Normandy; Northern France; Southern France; North Apennines; Rhineland; Central Europe; Po Valley; Air Combat, EAME Theater. Decorations. Distinguished Unit Citations: Italy, 25 Aug 1943; Italy, 30 Aug 1943; Ploesti, Rumania, 18 May 1944.

Lineage, Assignments, Components, Stations, and Honors through 24 Aug 2006.

Commanders, Aircraft, and Operations through 24 Aug 2006.

Supersedes statement prepared on 30 Sep 2003.

Emblem. Approved for 1 Fighter Group on 10 Feb 1924 and for 1 Fighter Wing on 22 May 1957.
Prepared by Patsy Robertson.

Reviewed by Daniel Haulman.

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