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BAMS2 Photos
(Click photo for larger view)
full instrument equipment
Full BAMS2 instrument.
Mass spectrometer.
high-speed electronics

High-speed electronics.

truck truck
Field deployment in Death Valley, CA.
Technical Contact
Vincent Riot
(925) 422-9798

Finding Pathogens Fast

The bioaerosol mass spectrometry (BAMS) system analyzes individual aerosol particles in real time. BAMS almost instantly identifies the presence and concentration of harmful biological particles. BAMS discerns the chemical composition and biological family of individual particles by using particle enrichment, aerodynamic focusing, aerodynamic size determination, induced-fluorescence characterization, and mass spectrometry. This integrated system is the most complete and versatile analytical tool to date.

The automated system allows the acquisition and analysis of hundreds of gigabytes of raw data about hundreds of thousands of single particles flowing into an instrument. Upon analysis, the system then displays a real-time description of what is present in the air. The system is designed to alarm automatically on four threats—spores, vegetative cells, toxins, and viruses—with a response time of less than a minute.

BAMS has been successfully tested in a modern battlefield environment at the National Training Center, located near Death Valley, CA. Future uses include the environmental monitoring of open-air burning and detonating of excess explosives and munitions, and the monitoring of single cells and human breath to detect infections and cancers.

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NNSA Department of Energy
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Avenue • Livermore, CA 94550
Operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration

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