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Public Policy

Public health emergencies can emerge naturally as outbreaks or pandemics (such as SARS or pandemic influenza), or they can emerge deliberately through bioterrorism (such as the 2001 anthrax attacks). Learn about IDSA’s public policy initiatives on Emerging Infections & Biothreats.

Other Bioterrorism Resources


Slide Sets, Videos, Images and Teaching Tools for ID Specialists


  • CDC Training & Education 
    Training and education materials from CDC related to emergency preparedness and response. Includes webcasts, videos, slides and education modules on many topics related to bioterrorism, chemical terrorism and general emergency response.
  • Bioterrorism: Are You Prepared?  
    UCLA Center for Public Health Disasters; PowerPointCovers presentations of major biological warfare agents using patient scenarios with accompanying script that makes it useful for independent learning. Choose "BT Presentation" from the top menu and register to download the file. 
  • Images of individual agents 
    CDC Public Health Image Library Query by individual agent name (e.g. smallpox, anthrax, etc). Some pictures black and white, some color.  


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