Application of Stochastic Processes in Hydrogeology

Richard L. Naff, Project Chief


Project Description and Bibliography

This project concerns the application of stochastic processes to analyze and model complex phenomena in subsurface flow and transport.  For more information, please click on Project Description and Bibliography above.

Project Papers Available for Downloading 

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Test functions for three-dimensional control-volume mixed finite-element methods on irregular grids [Naff, R.L., Russell, T.F., and Wilson, J.D., 2000, in Bentley, L.R., et al., eds., Computational Methods in Water Resources XIII, p. 667-684, proceedings,  Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 123 6] 


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High-resolution Monte Carlo simulation of flow and conservative transport in heterogeneous porous media, 1, Methodology and flow results [Naff, R.L., Haley, D.F., and Sudicky, E.A., 1998, Water Resources Research, v. 34, no. 4, p. 663-677]


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High-resolution Monte Carlo simulation of flow and conservative transport in heterogeneous porous media, 2, Transport results [Naff, R.L., Haley, D.F., and Sudicky, E.A., 1998, v. 34, no. 4, p. 679-697]


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Shape functions for velocity interpolation in general hexahedral cells [Naff, R.L., Russell, T.F., and Wilson, J.D., 2002, Computational Geosciences, v. 6, p. 285-314]


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Shape functions for three-dimensional control-volume mixed finite-element mehtods on irregular grids [Naff, R.L., Russell, T.F., and Wilson, J.D., 2002, in Hassanizadeh, S.M. et al, eds., Computational Methods in Water Resources XIV, p.359-366, proceedings, Delft, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-444-50975-5]


Code Available for Downloading

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PCGN: A Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver with Improved Nonlinear Control


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