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CPS Work Disability Tables

The Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) collected in February, March, and April includes questions that can be used to determine if individuals have a “work disability.” The algorithm for work disability status is as follows:

  1. Individuals who have a health problem or disability which prevents them from working or which limits the kind or amount of work they can do (DIS_HP=1)
  2. Individuals who ever retired or left a job for health reasons (DIS_CS=1)
  3. Individuals who are not in the labor force because of a disability (PEMLR=6)
  4. Individuals who did not work at all in the previous year because of illness or disability (RSNNOTW=1)
  5. Individuals under 65 years old who were covered by Medicare (A_AGE<65 and MCARE=1)
  6. Individuals under 65 years old who received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in previous year (A_AGE<65 and SSI_VAL>0)
  7. Individuals who received VA disability income in previous year (VET_TYP1=1)

Respondents who meet criteria 3-6 are considered to have a severe work disability.

Table 1. Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability, by Educational Attainment and Sex

1995 [XLS - 57K] | 1996 [XLS - 63K] | 1997 [XLS - 63K]
1998 [XLS - 57K] | 1999 [XLS - 57K] | 2000 [XLS - 57K]
2001 [XLS - 57K] | 2002 [XLS - 57K] | 2003 [XLS - 58K]
2004 [XLS - 57K] | 2005 [XLS - 57K] | 2006 [XLS - 57K]
2007 [XLS - 57K] | 2008 [XLS - 57K]

Table 2. Labor Force Status – Work Disability Status of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old, by Educational Attainment and Sex

1995 [XLS - 71K] | 1996 [XLS - 72K] | 1997 [XLS - 71K]
1998 [XLS - 72K] | 1999 [XLS - 71K] | 2000 [XLS - 72K]
2001 [XLS - 72K] | 2002 [XLS - 72K] | 2003 [XLS - 71K]
2004 [XLS - 71K] | 2005 [XLS - 72K] | 2006 [XLS - 72K]
2007 [XLS - 71K] | 2008 [XLS - 71K]

Table 3. Work Experience and Mean Earnings – Work Disability Status of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old, by Educational Attainment and Sex

1995 [XLS - 61K] | 1996 [XLS - 55K] | 1997 [XLS - 56K]
1998 [XLS - 61K] | 1999 [XLS - 61K] | 2000 [XLS - 61K]
2001 [XLS - 61K] | 2002 [XLS - 61K] | 2003 [XLS - 61K]
2004 [XLS - 61K] | 2005 [XLS - 61K] | 2006 [XLS - 61K]
2007 [XLS - 61K] | 2008 [XLS - 61K]

Table 4. Persons 65 to 74 Years Old – Work Disability Status by Employment, Age, Educational Attainment and Sex

1995 [XLS - 31K] | 1996 [XLS - 31K] | 1997 [XLS - 31K]
1998 [XLS - 31K] | 1999 [XLS - 31K] | 2000 [XLS - 31K]
2001 [XLS - 31K] | 2002 [XLS - 31K] | 2003 [XLS - 31K]
2004 [XLS - 31K] | 2005 [XLS - 31K] | 2006 [XLS - 31K]
2007 [XLS - 31K] | 2008 [XLS - 31K]

These tables use the following symbols:

_  Represents zero or rounds to zero

B  Base is less than 75,000

NA  Not available

X  Not applicable

[Excel] or the letters [xls] indicate a document is in the Microsoft® Excel® Spreadsheet Format (XLS). To view the file, you will need the Microsoft® Excel® Viewer Off Site available for free from Microsoft®. [Excel] or the letters [xls] indicate a document is in the Microsoft® Excel® Spreadsheet Format (XLS). To view the file, you will need the Microsoft® Excel® Viewer Off Site available for free from Microsoft®.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Disability |  Last Revised: 2012-11-19T11:45:35.865-05:00