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Case: LCP Chemical Georgia, GA

Date of Incident: 1920 to present.

Location: Brunswick, Georgia.


Case Status: Conducting cooperative assessment in conjunction with Honeywell International, one of five potentially responsible parties.

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Overview: The LCP Chemicals Superfund site is located on Ross Road in Brunswick (Glynn County), Georgia. The site, bordered by the Turtle River and saltmarshes to the west, mixed residential and commerial areas to the north, and mixed residential and industrial areas to the east and south, includes a roughly 80-acre industrialized upland portion and over 550 acres of saltmarsh and tidal creeks.

Various industries operated on the site:

  • An oil refinery, 1919�35.
  • An electrical power generating facility, 1935�55.
  • A paint and varnish manufacturer, 1941�55.
  • A chlor-alkali chemical manufacturing facility, 1955�94.

Hazardous substances released by these various industrial operations include mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and lead. Natural resources that may have been injured and may continue to be adversely affected include surface water, groundwater, soils, sediments, birds, fish, shellfish, mammals, and other biota.

The trustees and Honeywell International signed a cooperative agreement in December 2003 to conduct a cooperative natural resource damage assessment to quantify natural resource injuries and determine the appropriate amount of restoration necessary to compensate the public for lost services. The other named responsible parties桳inden Chemical and Plastics, Dixie O'Brien Paint Company, Georgia Power Company, and the Atlantic Richfield Company梐re not cooperating with the trustees at the present time.


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