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GIS Data

 Black Bear Test Area

These datasets consist of home range data collected from black bears with radio collars during the years 1971-1975 and 1987-1991 in the Isabella and Kawishiwi Ranger Districts, Superior National Forest, northeastern Minnesota. Associated datasets from this project are also available for moose locations collected in 1988, 1990, and 1991, moose survey units, forest stands, and forest compartment boundaries from the study areas.

 Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

These datasets depict land cover along a portion of the Rio Grande River within the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in 1949, 1962, 1973, 1978, 1984, and 1986. The data were developed via photo interpretation of black-and-white aerial photography and Color-infrared (CIR) aerial photography at 1:3,580, 1:5,690, 1:6,000, 1:24,800, 1:25,000, or 1:58,000 scales.

 Bottomland Hardwood Breeding Bird Census

Three datasets are available for this project: (1) Forest tract boundaries that encompass or surround 22 breeding bird census plots in eastern deciduous forest tracts; (2) Surface cover types within a 2.5 km buffer zone surrounding forest tract boundaries, which in turn encompass or surround (3) 22 select breeding bird census plots in the eastern United States.

 Boulder Open Space - Land-cover map of Boulder, Colorado and Open Space Areas

This dataset consists of land-cover types derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery for an area that includes the City of Boulder, Colorado; Boulder Open Space properties; and a 1-km area surrounding the open space. The classification scheme was developed by the City of Boulder Open Space scientists. Association of spectral classes with cover-types was accomplished using unsupervised clustering techniques and ancillary Geographic Information System coverages.

 Kansas Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

Two datasets are available for this project: (1) 24 fish sampling stations located along streams in the 4-county study area within the Delaware River Basin, Kansas (Atchison, Brown, Jackson, and Nemaha Counties); and (2) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land tracts or parcels in portions of Atchison, Brown, Jackson, and Nemaha counties that fall within the Delaware River Basin, Kansas.

 Middle Rio Grande Landcover/Vegetation

These datasets depict vegetation conditions along the Middle Rio Grande in 1935 and 1989. The data were created via photo interpretation of 1:28,800-scale black-and-white aerial photography from 1935 and National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data from 1989.

 Russell Lakes State Wildlife Management Area

These datasets contain points that identify bird collections and time-budgets recorded in the field during May-July 1994, 1995, and 1996 for nest site locations, ditches and canals, random 50-meter plots, roads and levees, surface cover types, and linear transects in a 1500-ha wetland complex within the Russell Lakes SWMA, San Luis Valley, south-central Colorado.

 San Francisco Bay

These datasets consist of 1956 habitat types for 20 USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles and 1985 habitat types for 42 USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles, linear elevation contours, polygonal elevation contours, elevation points, and slough channels and vegetation types in 4 tidal marsh sites in the San Francisco Bay area, California.

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