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Current Research Activities

Total Active Projects: 129

Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)

Analysis of Population Connectivity in Wyoming Greater Sage-grouse

Assessing Potential Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing for Energy Development on Water Resources

Assistance to USDA Farm Service Agency on the Conservation Reserve Program and Conservation Policies in Agriculturally Dominated Landscapes

Avian Conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region, Northern Great Plains: Understanding the Links between Climate, Ecosystem Processes, Wetland Management, and Bird Communities

Bat Banding Clearinghouse

Bat Population Data Project

Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotope Applications

Biogeography: Stable Isotope Applications

Biological Invasions of Riparian Ecosystems: Technical Support for Riparian Conservation Planning on the Colorado and Green Rivers in Utah

Bison Grazing Ecology at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado

BLM Social Science Training Module

Boreal Toad and Wood Frog Demographics

Causes and Consequences of Bat Fatalities at Wind Turbines

Causes of Variation in Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Pelagic Seabird Tissues

Colorado River Basin Riparian Ecology

Comparative Vegetation Mapping for Lassen Volcanic National Park

Computer Support/Operations

Conservation Studies of Long-Nosed Bats in New Mexico

Contaminant Biology: Stable Isotope Applications

Control and Containment of the Brown Treesnake and Other Invasive Reptiles

CSAS Metadata Services

Degradation Rates of DNA Extracted from Fecal Samples for Use with Molecular Markers

Developing a Non-Invasive Technique for Bighorn Sheep Population Estimation Using Fecal DNA, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Developing Ecological Forecasting Models

Development of a White-nose Syndrome (WNS) Disease Tracking System

Development of Mineral Environmental Assessment Methodologies: Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative

Development of Riparian Monitoring Protocols

Disturbance and Reclamation Data Management Systems (DARDMS)

Documenting, Mapping, and Predicting Invasive Species Using the Fort Collins Science Center's RAM (Resource for Advanced Modeling)

DOI on the Landscape, Sagebrush Ecosystems: Landscape-Scale Modeling to Address Management Priorities for Sagebrush Habitats and Sagebrush-Obligate Wildlife Species

Ecological Effects of Fire and Fire Management

Ecological Impacts of Roads and Road Use on Wildlife Populations

Ecological Investigations of White-Nose Syndrome in Bats

Economic Analysis of Natural Resource Management Issues

Effects of Climate Change on White-tailed Ptarmigan Using Genetics, Stable Isotopes, and Population Demographic Methodologies

Effects of Energy Development in the Rocky Mountain Area (EERMA)

Effects of Soil and Colony Age on Flea Densities

Elk and Bison Grazing Ecology in the San Luis Valley, Colorado

Engineered Wetland Evaluation

Erosional Consequence of Tamarisk Removal

Estimating Effects of Limiting Habitat Relationships with Regression Quantiles

Estimating Gunnison Sage-grouse Demographic Parameters Using DNA as an Individual Marker for Mark-Recapture Analysis

Evaluating Species Models for the Ecoregional Analysis of Sagebrush Ecosystems within the Wyoming Basins

Evaluation and Testing of PHABSIM for Windows 7

Evaluation of Genetic, Behavioral, and Morphological Distinctness of Greater Sage-Grouse in the Bi-State Planning Area

Examination of the Biology of Summer-Roosting Indiana Bats Using Genetic Tools

Feeding ecology of insect-eating bats

Forecasting the Effects of Agricultural Practices on Prairie Wetlands: Implications for the Conservation of Migratory Shorebirds

FORT Communications and Outreach

FORT Metadata Services

FORT Support to the Federal Lands Highway Program: Transportation Recreation Opportunity Spectrum

FORT Support to the Federal Lands Highway Program: Visitor Experience and Resource Protection Data Development

FORT Support to the Great Plains LCC

FORT Web Services

FORT/USGS Web Applications

Genetic Characterization of Introduced Lynx in Colorado

GIS and Remote Sensing

Global Change: Riparian Trees

Grasshopper Sparrow Focal Species Conservation Action Plan

Grassland Ecology and Conservation

Habitat Prioritization for Selected Raptor Species in Wyoming

Host-Pathogen Dynamics and Demographics in Boreal Toads

Human Dimensions of Climate Change

Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use on Water and Ecosystems in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Effects on Human Systems

Implications of Climate Change for Avian Conservation in Great Plains Landscapes

Integrating a National Park Service Vital Sign with the USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative across Networks

Interactions between Native and Non-native Aquatic Species in the Southwestern United States

Invasive Species of Riparian Ecosystems: Ecology, Restoration Implications, Effects of Climate Change, and Interactions with Streamflow and Fluvial Processes

Investigation of Family Relationships in Broad-tailed Hummingbirds Using Molecular Methods

Investigation of White-tailed Kite Population Bottleneck Using Museum Specimens

John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

Landscape Phenology Program of the National Phenology Network

Linking Host-Associated Gut Microbial Communities and Immuno-Response in a Unique Avian Model

Long-term Ecological Monitoring and Research at Bandelier National Monument

Long-Term Ecological Research and Monitoring in the Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park

Long-term Ecosystem Biogeochemistry

Managed Streamflow and the Ecology of the Bill Williams River

Mapping Surface Disturbance of Energy-Related Infrastructure in Southwest Wyoming: An Assessment of Methods

Missouri River Cottonwood Demography

Molecular Ecology Laboratory

Museum Curation

Native Fish Sanctuary Evaluation

Natural Resource Preservation Program: Gunnison Sage-Grouse Chick Survival and Landscape Population Modeling

Natural Resource Preservation Program: Gunnison Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection: Developing a Landscape-Level Habitat Map Predicting Sagebrush, Herbaceous, and Bare Ground Cover

Natural Resource Preservation Program: Impacts of Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation on Forested Ecosystem and Social Values in the Front Range, Colorado

Natural Resource Preservation Program: Population Survey Methods and Spatial and Temporal Use of Park Winter Range by Elk for Adaptive Management to Enhance Wildlife Viewing

NatWeb Support

Negotiation Training

Nutritional Ecology: Stable Isotope Applications

Partners in Flight Coordinator for USGS

Planning Support for National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan Development

Population Genetics of Wood Frogs in Rocky Mountain National Park

Predicting and Managing Climate Change Impacts on Semi-Arid Land Wetlands, Migratory Birds, and Their Prey: An Integration of Remote Sensing, Molecular Genetics, Hydrology, and Environmental Modeling

Quantifying Biologically Mediated Fluxes of Stream Metals to Riparian Food Webs

Quantifying Sagebrush-Steppe Habitat Structure Using Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data: An Evaluation in Southwestern Wyoming

Quantitative and Statistical Research Collaboration

Range-wide Connectivity of Greater Sage-Grouse Populations

Raven (A) small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Test Flights

Research on Introduced Florida Snakes

Riparian Ecosystems of Central Asia

Riparian Vegetation and Floodplain Sediment Responses to Dam Removal

River Ecosystem Forecasting Framework

Sagebrush Ecosystems Coordinated Research: Determining the Effects of Energy Development on Sagebrush Ecosystems--Invasive Plants

Sagebrush Ecosystems: Landscape-Scale Modeling to Address Management Priorities for Sagebrush Habitats and Sagebrush-Obligate Wildlife Species

San Clemente Island Fox

Spawning-related Movements of Flathead Chub in a Prairie Stream

SpayVac® Immunocontraception in Feral Horses

Status and Breeding Ecology of the Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow

Streamflow-Vegetation Relations to Evaluate Flow Regimes

Surveillance for the Presence of White-Nose Syndrome in the Bat Community at El Malpais National Monument, New Mexico

The Users, Uses, and Value of Landsat Imagery

Tracking Clark's Nutcracker Movements and Population Structure Using Intrinsic Markers: Combining Genetic and Stable Isotope Signatures

U.S. Geological Survey-NEON Science Liaison

USGS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Joint Development Project

USGS-National Park Service Vegetation Mapping Program

Vaccination and Flea Control to Assess Invasion of Plague into the Conata Basin, South Dakota

Water Management Studies

Western Mountain Initiative — New Mexico

Western Mountain Initiative: Response of Western Mountain Ecosystems to Climatic Variability and Change: Colorado

Wetland Flora, Fauna, and Water Quality Assessment at Topock Marsh

Wild Horse and Burro Research

Wintering Habitat Use by Priority Grassland Birds

WNS Data Management Coordination

Wyoming Conservation Landscape Initiative: Inventory and Long-Term Monitoring

Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Baseline Synthesis

Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Decision-Making and Evaluation

Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Effectiveness Monitoring

Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Mechanistic Studies of Wildlife

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