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Policy Analysis & Science Assistance Current Research

Total Current Project: 13

 Assistance to USDA Farm Service Agency on the Conservation Reserve Program and Conservation Policies in Agriculturally Dominated Landscapes

 Avian Conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region, Northern Great Plains: Understanding the Links between Climate, Ecosystem Processes, Wetland Management, and Bird Communities

 BLM Social Science Training Module

 Economic Analysis of Natural Resource Management Issues

 Forecasting the Effects of Agricultural Practices on Prairie Wetlands: Implications for the Conservation of Migratory Shorebirds

 FORT Support to the Federal Lands Highway Program: Transportation Recreation Opportunity Spectrum

 FORT Support to the Federal Lands Highway Program: Visitor Experience and Resource Protection Data Development

 FORT Support to the Great Plains LCC

 Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use on Water and Ecosystems in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Effects on Human Systems

 Implications of Climate Change for Avian Conservation in Great Plains Landscapes

 Negotiation Training

 The Users, Uses, and Value of Landsat Imagery

 Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Decision-Making and Evaluation

 Learn More: Policy Analysis & Science Assistance Research Archive

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