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Part 8—Required Sources of Supplies and Services

8.000 Scope of part.

8.001 General.

8.002 Priorities for use of Government supply sources.

8.003 Use of other Government supply sources.

8.004 Contract clause.

Subpart 8.1—Excess Personal Property

8.101 [Reserved]

8.102 Policy.

8.103 Information on available excess personal property.

8.104 Obtaining nonreportable property.

Subpart 8.2—[Reserved]

Subpart 8.3—[Reserved]

Subpart 8.4—Federal Supply Schedules

8.401 Definitions.

8.402 General.

8.403 Applicability.

8.404 Use of Federal Supply Schedules.

8.405 Ordering procedures for Federal Supply Schedules.

8.405-1 Ordering procedures for supplies, and services not requiring a statement of work.

8.405-2 Ordering procedures for services requiring a statement of work.

8.405-3 Blanket purchase agreements (BPAs).

8.405-4 Price reductions.

8.405-5 Small business.

8.405-6 Limiting sources.

8.405-7 Payment.

8.406 Ordering activity responsibilities.

8.406-1 Order placement.

8.406-2 Inspection and acceptance.

8.406-3 Remedies for nonconformance.

8.406-4 Termination for cause.

8.406-5 Termination for the Government’s convenience.

8.406-6 Disputes.

8.406-7 Contractor Performance Evaluation.

Subpart 8.5—Acquisition of Helium

8.500 Scope of subpart.

8.501 Definitions.

8.502 Policy.

8.503 Exception.

8.504 Procedures.

8.505 Contract clause.

Subpart 8.6—Acquisition from Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

8.601 General.

8.602 Policy.

8.603 Purchase priorities.

8.604 Waivers.

8.605 Exceptions.

8.606 Evaluating FPI performance.

8.607 Performance as a subcontractor.

8.608 Protection of classified and sensitive information.

Subpart 8.7—Acquisition from Nonprofit Agencies Employing People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled

8.700 Scope of subpart.

8.701 Definitions.

8.702 General.

8.703 Procurement List.

8.704 Purchase priorities.

8.705 Procedures.

8.705-1 General.

8.705-2 Direct-order process.

8.705-3 Allocation process.

8.705-4 Compliance with orders.

8.706 Purchase exceptions.

8.707 Prices.

8.708 Shipping.

8.709 Payments.

8.710 Quality of merchandise.

8.711 Quality complaints.

8.712 Specification changes.

8.713 Optional acquisition of supplies and services.

8.714 Communications with the central nonprofit agencies and the Committee.

8.715 Replacement commodities.

8.716 Change-of-name and successor in interest procedures.

Subpart 8.8—Acquisition of Printing and Related Supplies

8.800 Scope of subpart.

8.801 Definitions.

8.802 Policy.

Subpart 8.9—[Reserved]

Subpart 8.10—[Reserved]

Subpart 8.11—Leasing of Motor Vehicles

8.1100 Scope of subpart.

8.1101 Definitions.

8.1102 Presolicitation requirements.

8.1103 Contract requirements.

8.1104 Contract clauses.

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