Design Awards

The Office of Federal Lands Highway works in a great variety of natural and human environments in all 50 states and US territories. FLH projects vary and include rural native surface projects, bridges, transportation plans, NEPA documents, and multi-lane highways in urban areas. Here you will find a sampling of the work that the Office of Federal Lands Highway develops.

2010 FHWA Excellence in Highway Design Award Winners

View All 2010 Award Winners

2008 FHWA Excellence in Highway Design Award Winners

View All 2008 Award Winners

Public Roads Articles

  • Accessing America's Treasures
    The FLH celebrates its 25th anniversary with a retrospective of past accomplishments and a preview of its next 25 years.
  • Strengthening from Within
    The twin demands of accommodating heavy traffic and ensuring the preservation of the oldest bridge in the Nation’s capital proved to be manageable challenges on a recent restoration project in the historic Georgetown area of Washington, DC.