
Committee Activities Report: Fourth Semiannual Report

  • Report

    (HASC Fourth Semiannual Activities Report - FINAL.pdf - 1.7 MBs)

Committee Activities Report: Third Semiannual Report


H. Rept. 112-575 - Third Semiannual Report on the Activities of HASC 112th Congress

Challenges to Doing Business with the Department of Defense

Oversight and Investigations: Guantanamo Report

Defense Financial Management and Auditability Reform Panel Report

Committee Activities Report: Second Semiannual Report

Committee Activities Report: Second Semiannual Report

H. Rept. 112-359 - Second Semiannual Report of the Activities of the Committee on Armed Services for the 112th Congress

Official Copy: December 30, 2011 PDF | Text | More

HASC Fact Sheet: The American Military Since 9/11

Committee Activities Report: First Semiannual Report H. Rept. 112-123

Committee Activities Report: First Semiannual Report

H. Rept. 112-123 - First Semiannual Report of the Activities of the Committee on Armed Services for the 112th Congress

Official Copy: H. Rept. 112-123— First Semiannual Report on the Activities of the Committee on Armed Services for the 112th Congress

Report on Maintenance Depots

Report on Maintenance Depots

U.S. Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC), Dan Boren (D-OK), Randy Forbes (R-VA) and Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam) unveiled a new report required by Section 322 of the FY2009 National Defense Authorization Act. The report produced by LMI Government Consulting, entitled Future Capability of DoD Maintenance Depots, highlights transformational changes to the depot maintenance business model as maintenance requirements diminish with more modern weapons systems.

Read Press Release

Future Capabilities of DoD Maintenance Depots

Defend America - A Republican Plan to Keep America Safe

Defend America - A Republican Plan to Keep America Safe

As the Armed Services Committee was preparing to consider the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 in May 2010, Republicans on the committee - led by Ranking Member Buck McKeon - introduced a report and plan to keep America safe.

The "Defend America" plan articulated the legislative strategy and vision of Republicans on the committee.

Building Language Skills and Cultural Competencies in the Military: Bridging the Gap

Building Language Skills and Cultural Competencies in the Military: Bridging the Gap

With the need for more consistent oversight in mind, the House Armed Services Committee on Oversight and Investigations (the Subcommittee) chose to reexamine the progress that the Department of Defense (the Department) has made to date in carrying out the recommendations made in the Subcommittee’s November 2008 report, Building Skills and
Cultural Competencies in the Military: DOD’s Challenge in Today’s Educational Environment.