United States Department of Veterans Affairs
    ESP Reports in Progress

Suggesting a Topic for the VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program

Nominating a topic for the VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program

Thank you for your interest in the VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program (ESP). The ESP was established in 2007 to make high quality evidence analysis available to clinicians, managers and policymakers as they work to improve the health and healthcare of Veterans.

The ESP can accommodate ~12 review topics per fiscal year. Because of the limited resources available, review topics are selected when we can effectively demonstrate that an evidence synthesis will assist VA leadership in addressing important clinical practice and/or policy issues. As we consider your topic, it would help us to better understand how your topic relates to National VHA policy and the mechanism in place to implement the review findings; e.g., guidelines committee, field advisory committee, formulary or other decision-making structure. Thus, identifying an "operational partner" (decision-making body) is an important part of the process to insure implementation. Operational partners are consulted to determine the scope of the review, identify technical experts to inform key question development and peer reviewers to review the draft report; they also provide consultation on dissemination activities once the report is completed.

Nominations are accepted electronically using the online Topic Submission Form. Once received, the ESP Coordinating Center will contact you to inform you of the status of your request. If your nomination is selected as a potential ESP project, the Coordinating Center will work with you to refine the scope of the proposed review, develop a set of preliminary key questions, and determine a timeline for the report.

If you have questions about nominating a topic, please contact the ESP Coordinating Center. We will be happy to walk you through the process.

Thank you for participating in the program!

Topic Nomination Form

Note: ** = Required Field



  • In adults with PTSD, are mind-body complementary and alternative medicine therapies (e.g., acupuncture, yoga, meditation) more efficacious than control for PTSD symptoms and health-related quality of life?
  • What are the new or improved suicide prevention strategies (e.g. hotlines, outreach programs, peer counseling, treatment coordination programs, and new counseling approaches) that show promise for Veterans?
  • What is the effectiveness of family-involved interventions compared to traditional individually-oriented interventions on adult patient outcomes?
  • What are the effectiveness and harms of delirium prevention strategies in acute inpatients? Do these results vary by medical unit, age, gender or co-morbid conditions?

2. Does your research question include a treatment or intervention? **

Yes. If yes, describe the treatment(s) or intervention(s) of interest.

3. Does your question include a comparison of different health care approaches? **

Yes. If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to see compared.


  • Intense treatment of in-patient hyperglycemia compared with usual care.
  • Calcium versus biphosphonates for the prevention of vertebral fractures.
  • Core needle biopsy versus open surgical biopsy for diagnosing breast lesions.
  • Antireflux medication versus diet and exercise for the control of acid reflux symptoms.

4. Describe the outcome(s) of interest for your research question. (For example, mortality, hospitalizations, and/or complications, etc.)**

5. Briefly describe the significance of your research question as it applies to National VHA policy or clinical decision making. **

6. Describe how the proposed evidence synthesis will be used and implemented. **


  • Will the review findings be used to develop or refine clinical guidelines or performance measures, develop research priorities, curriculum development or program implementation/prioritization?
  • Is there an upcoming meeting or conference in which the findings of the review would be shared?


Note: most reviews average a nine-month timeframe.

9. Please provide your name and contact information:



If you have any questions about the ESP or need assistance in nominating your topic, please contact:

Nicole Floyd, Program Manager
Evidence-based Synthesis Program Coordinating Center
Portland VA Medical Center
3710 SW U.S. Veterans Hospital Road, Mail Code: R&D 71
Portland, OR 97239