The Sustainable Highways Initiative supports programs and activities conducted across the
Federal Highway Administration to facilitate balanced decisionmaking among environmental,
economic, and social values — the triple bottom line of sustainability.

Photograph of a two-lane road through a lush, dense forest of tall trees
Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation; INVEST Sustainable Highways Self-Evaluation Tool
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INVEST 1.0 supports roadway sustainability.
APPLY to partner with FHWA as an implementation site.

Photograph of a two-lane road on a hill in a rural setting. Jersey barriers divide the road; a construction crew with heavy equipment is installing soil nails along the near edge of the roadway.
Sustainable Highways Case Studies
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Learn more about launched soil nails and other innovative practices of State Departments of Transportation… READ MORE >

Photograph of a transit bus stopped at a bus stop, picking up passengers
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 708
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The NCHRP Report 708 provides guidance to state and local agencies
on developing performance measures for sustainability… READ MORE >

What is sustainability? Find Out
What is a sustainable highway? Find Out
What is the Sustainable Highways Initiative? Find Out
What is the INVEST self-evaluation tool? Find Out
Where can I find more information? Find Out

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