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Wednesday January 26, 2011

Rebuilding the Nation’s Transportation Infrastructure Highlighted in President’s State of the Union Speech

In his State of the Union speech last night, President Obama emphasized the importance of investing in a 21st century infrastructure system that will generate jobs for Americans now and pay dividends to future generations by equipping them to compete with countries across the globe. Transportation projects will play a key role in this effort. The President specifically referenced a number of important transportation projects that are key to rebuilding the nation including:

"The third step in winning the future is rebuilding America. To attract new businesses to our shores, we need the fastest, most reliable ways to move people, goods, and information – from high-speed rail to high-speed internet.

"Our infrastructure used to be the best – but our lead has slipped. South Korean homes now have greater internet access than we do. Countries in Europe and Russia invest more in their roads and railways than we do. China is building faster trains and newer airports. Meanwhile, when our own engineers graded our nation’s infrastructure, they gave us a “D.”

"We have to do better. America is the nation that built the transcontinental railroad, brought electricity to rural communities, and constructed the interstate highway system. The jobs created by these projects didn’t just come from laying down tracks or pavement. They came from businesses that opened near a town’s new train station or the new off-ramp.

"Over the last two years, we have begun rebuilding for the 21st century, a project that has meant thousands of good jobs for the hard-hit construction industry. Tonight, I’m proposing that we redouble these efforts.

"We will put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges. We will make sure this is fully paid for, attract private investment, and pick projects based on what’s best for the economy, not politicians.

"Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80% of Americans access to high-speed rail, which could allow you go places in half the time it takes to travel by car. For some trips, it will be faster than flying – without the pat-down. As we speak, routes in California and the Midwest are already underway."

For full text of the President’s speech please click on the following link: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/01/25/remarks-president-state-union-address