Current Items of Interest

The Defense Production Act Committee (DPAC) is an interagency body composed of the heads of 17 federal departments and agencies.  The Committee is charged with advising the President on the effective use of the powerful authorities established by the Defense Production Act (DPA). Read more>

To facilitate its work, the DPAC has established a structure of interagency study groups.  Industrial Capability Assessments are led by the Department of Defense, while DPA Authorities Assessments are led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

• DPAC leadership and staff attended From Transit Hubs to Combat Zones: Serving the Government Customer with Lightweight Materials, a Georgia Institute of Technology Interactive Workshop.

Industrial Capability Assessments Study Groups
• The DPAC Telecommunications Study Group released a public Request for Information (RFI) on Addressing Information and Communications Technology Requirements.

metalsMetal Fabrication: The Metal Fabrication study group is currently examining industrial base risks and shortfalls in prevailing capabilities such as castings, forgings, joining, as well as opportunities in advanced processes such as additive manufacturing.  Learn more>

• The DPAC Power & Energy study group released a public RFI on Addressing Availability and Cost of Fuel Cell Systems.

Power and EnergyPower & Energy: The Power and Energy study group is currently examining industrial base shortfalls in power electronics as well as opportunities to advance fuel cell manufacturing capabilities.
Learn more>

• The DPAC Metal Fabrication study group released a public RFI on Addressing the Availability of Forged-Quality Parts.

TelecommunicationsTelecommunications: The Telecommunications study group is examining industrial base risks and shortfalls in the following subsectors: (1) routing and switching; (2) optical; (3) wireless; (4) sub-components, with a focus on Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs); and (5) Operating System Software (OSS), with a focus on Network Management Software (NMS).  Learn more>

Contact the Committee

LightWeight MaterialsLightweight Materials: The Lightweight Materials study group is currently examining industrial base shortfalls and opportunities in the areas of metals (specifically magnesium, high strength steel, and titanium), carbon fiber composites, and various novel materials such as ceramics and carbon nanotubes (CNTs).  Learn more>


Phone(703) 697-0051
DPA Authorities Assessments Study Group

DPA AuthoritiesDPA Authorities: The DPA Authorities study group examines the authorities of the DPA and the DPAC to consider and determine their effective uses.  Learn more>




