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Doing Business in Azerbaijan

Doing Business in Azerbaijan

Read WB report on doing business in Azerbaijan

For further information, you can also visit the American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan website.

Recent events:

President Obama has set a goal of doubling U.S. exports by 2015 to support two million jobs. Ex-Im Bank is critical to meeting that goal by providing export financing for U.S. goods and services that support American workers and create jobs. As a self-sustaining agency, the Bank does this work without any cost to the American taxpayers. In fiscal year 2011, Ex-Im Bank authorized a record $32.7 billion in support of an estimated $41 billion of U.S. exports and nearly 290,000 U.S. jobs at 3,600 companies.

For more information see: Exim presentation  (, pdf 5Mb)

On June 14th, the Embassy celebrated Global Economic Statecraft Day by inviting the AmCham executive director Nargiz Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu to give a guest lecture about challenges and opportunities for U.S. business in Azerbaijan. Members from all sections of the Embassy met with Ms. Muduroglu, discussing issues such as the business environment in Azerbaijan, challenges in doing business, ways to attract U.S. businesses and the recent amendments on the law on “commercial secrecy.”

On June 6th, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Azerbaijan and made an appearance at the 2012 Caspian Oil and Gas Show.  The Secretary visited the joint booth of the American Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Embassy, and met with the President of the local American Chamber of Commerce Dan Matthews, along with the Executive Director Nargiz Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu.  The Secretary also met with representatives of U.S. companies working in the oil and gas industry in Azerbaijan.  The Secretary’s visit has generated more interest in the American Chamber of Commerce and in U.S. energy companies operating in Azerbaijan.

On June5th, at the Caspian Oil and Gas Show (COGS) opening ceremony, Chargé d’Affaires Adam Sterling read a letter from President Barack Obama to President Ilham Aliyev congratulating him on the 19th Caspian Oil and Gas Show, and noting the positive relationship of the United States with Azerbaijan.  That same evening the Embassy hosted its traditional COGS reception jointly with the British Embassy.  Business, civic and government leaders participated in this event to promote U.S. and British companies’ participation in the development of Azerbaijan’s energy sector.