The purpose of safety is to provide a safe and healthy environment to accomplish our goals and mission. Safety is a core value, a management and worker responsibility inherent in everything we do. Safety cannot be ignored for convenience or expediency. Accidents can cause tragic loss of life, suffering, and needless waste of operational funds, reduce performance, and lower quality of life. While accident investigation and reporting are often the most visible elements in safety programs, the emphasis in this command will be on proactive accident prevention using the framework of the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).

Our services include:

  • Risk Management through the VPP Process
  • Accident Investigation and Reporting Services
  • Workplace Safety Training
  • Inspection and evaluation of Garrison Facilities and Programs: Garrison Operations, Community Activities, Arms Rooms, Radiation Safety Programs, Workplace Safety, Respiratory Protection, Railhead Operations, and Explosive Safety
  • Perform Safety Program Evaluations
  • POV and Motorcycle Safety


Phone: DSN 475-1470/  475 7734/ 475-7769/ 475-8832/ 475-8831
Commercial in Germany: 09641-83-1470
Bldg : 539

Information, Training and Downloads

Own the EdgePosters and Videos,
including POV and
'Own the Edge'
Promotion Material



Click here for Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Training Registration

Click here for general information about all Army Traffic Safety Training Program (ATSTP)

Click here for Motorcycle Refresher Training (MRT)

MSF Repealed Requiremens for US Civilians and Contractors



ATSTP program link


Pay Attention to the Road - Distracted Driving
Every driver does it. Young and old, male and female. From the driver behind the wheel of a Cadillac Escalade to the one in the Mini Cooper, we all get distracted by something either inside our vehicle or outside of it as we drive. A recent study funded by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and performed by the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center confirms the obvious, that one hundred percent of drivers are distracted at least part of the time they are behind the wheel. symbol full story

sym Report an Accident (Unfallbericht - Formblatt)

sym Report Unsafe Work Conditions and Near Misses
(Report von Sicherheitsmängeln/Gesundheitsschädlichen Arbeitsbedingungen)


Social media

