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Library Home > Reference Tools > Bibliographic Management Software
Bibliographic Management Software

Note: When you click on any of the following links, you will be leaving the Boulder Labs Library site. You may wish to review the privacy notice on those sites since their information collection practices may differ from ours.

About Bibliographic Managment Software

Boulder Labs staff have access to valuable bibliographic tools. Thomson (formerly ISI) ResearchSoft software for Mac and Windows - EndNote and Reference Manager - enables creation of personal reference/citation databases, while providing print and output formats for supported publishers and journals. Some features also allow you to search online databases and download citations. These are excellent resources for organizing your research.

Bibliographic Management Access by Agency

Both the Main and Branch libraries maintian user manuals for these programs in their collections. Search the Catalog: EndNote and Reference Manager for library location and call number. The reference Staff have experience with this software, if you prefer individual consultation.

Online Support

For more information about these products and how they compare, see the Thomson ResearchSoft web site.

Citation Managment Freeware--All Users


Transfer and re-format previously downloaded citations

Database EndNote Reference Manager
More Information on Agricola Academic Search Premier Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on Agricola AGRICOLA Windows / Mac  
More Information on ASFA Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on ArticleFirst ArticleFirst Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More information on BioOne BioOne Windows / Mac  
More Information on Agricola Business Source Premier Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on Conference Papers Index Conference Papers Index Windows / Mac  
More Information on Dissertations Dissertations Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More information on GeoRef GeoRef Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on GPO GPO (Government Printing Office) Fedsys Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on GreenFILE Greenfile Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on MGA Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on NASA ADS NASA Astrophysics Data System

No filter required.

No filter required.

  • Check the references you want to import
  • Go to "Retrieve the above records in other formats or sort order"
  • In first box, use drop-down menu to select "EndNote format", "ProCite format" or "Refman format"
  • In box containing "Display on screen", use drop-down menu to select "Load into (EndNote, ProCite or Refman)"
  • Click on "Retrieve selected records" button
  • Bib Management software will automatically open.
  • Select the library and "<bib software>_Import" as the Filter.
More Information on Oceanic Abstracts Oceanic Abstracts Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on PapersFirst PapersFirst Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on Proceedings Proceedings Windows / Mac  
More Information on PubMed PubMed Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information on Web of Science Web of Science (Science Citation Index) Windows / Mac  
More Information on WorldCat WorldCat Windows / Mac Windows / Mac
More Information Database Details

Note: the Boulder Laboratories Library does not necessarily endorse the views, facts, services or products on any off site links.


Boulder Laboratories Library · 303.497.3271