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On Saturday, February 8th, Specialist Brett Bondurant was given a new home by a national nonprofit that builds homes for wounded veterans. He lost both of his legs in an IED blast in Southwest Kandahar Provence, Afghanistan on Sept. 28, 2011. Dozens of people from his hometown of Lawrenceburg showed up for the ceremony to show their love, support and appreciation.
This Memorial Day weekend, the nation will pause to honor the men and women in uniform who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. As I reflect on that sacrifice, I am also mindful of the more than 2 million military members who are proudly serving today. If you get a chance this weekend, please say "thank you" to a soldier. Our nation owes each of them a debt that can never be repaid, but their sacrifice can be honored. Happy Memorial Day!
What an inspirational young man. When you want something, you have to work hard and never stop believing in yourself and your ability to reach your goal no matter what obstacles lie in your path. Great story during Olympic coverage tonight and what an amazing young man from Indiana! You made us all proud, Nick
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Students from Greensburg Community Schools are visiting our nation's capital for the 58th Presidential #Inauguration. Exciting times!

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Students from my hometown high school stop by for a visit. So glad they have the opportunity to be in DC for the #Inauguration!

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Today I had the opportunity to join @hooverinstitution and @educationgadfly to talk about ways to ensure every kid in America has access to a quality education. #SchoolChoice

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Great to be at the Indiana Statehouse yesterday, fun to see so many old friends & excited by the leadership of our new Governor!

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Team huddle before the 4th grade basketball game on Saturday morning. The "Mighty Five" are 2-1.

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Obamacare failed. It's time to repeal and replace.

WASHINGTON (Friday, Jan. 13, 2017) — Today Rep. Luke Messer (IN-06) voted to begin the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare. The U.S. House of Representatives passed S. Con. Res. 3 today, which clears the way for Congress to fast-track the repeal of Obamacare and the replacement of it with p...

Each year, our broken tax code is allowing billions of dollars to be paid out to illegal immigrants.

Closing this loophole will steer us back to rule of law, ensure tax benefits like this are reserved for American citizens and save us billions of dollars.

WASHINGTON (Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017) — Rep. Luke Messer (IN-06) announced today he has filed legislation that would close a tax loophole allowing billions of dollars in tax credits to be paid out to illegal immigrants. Messer’s proposal, H.R. 363, would ensure that only taxpayers with a valid Soci...

WTHR-TV reports on legislation I'm authoring to close a loophole that currently allows billions of dollars to be paid out in tax benefits to illegal immigrants.

Five years after 13 Investigates exposed a massive tax loophole for undocumented workers, Congress will again consider a remedy.

Throughout our mostly rural district, with far more Christian churches than synagogues, Hoosiers are united in their support for the Jewish state.

President Obama’s silence and defection from one of our most important allies was unconscionable.

Rep. Luke Messer votes to stand with Israel and disapprove of a recent UN Security Council resolution demonizing America’s ally.

Today is #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay. We're shining a #ProjectBlueLight to recognize the men and women in uniform who work hard and put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe.

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ICYMI --> On Friday, the House passed an amendment I authored to require every federal agency issuing a new rule to repeal or amend at least one existing rule, to offset costs on the U.S. economy.

In 2016 alone, federal agencies issued 18 rules and regulations for every one law passed by Congress. That’s a grand total of 3,853 regulations.

The collective weight of federal regulations puts a giant tax on the American people, and enough is enough.

In 2015, federal regulations cost the American economy nearly $1.9 trillion in lost growth and productivity. Rep. Luke Messer’s amendment would require every...

Americans are being crushed by endless and often unnecessary federal regulation. It's time to change that.

WASHINGTON (Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017) — The U.S. House of Representatives today passed an amendment authored by Rep. Luke Messer (IN-06) that would rein in federal regulations. Messer’s amendment would require every federal agency issuing a new rule to repeal or amend at least one existing rule, to of...

I will vote tonight to send a strong signal to the world that the American people reject the one-sided, short-sighted UN Security Council resolution, and that the American people stand united with Israel.

WASHINGTON (Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017) — Rep. Luke Messer (IN-06) today will vote to stand with Israel and disapprove of a recent UN Security Council resolution demonizing America’s ally. Last month, the UN Security Council considered a resolution condemning Israel settlements in East Jerusalem. In an…

Senator Dan Coats is a fantastic choice to lead the intelligence community and assist President-elect Donald Trump as Director of National Intelligence. Senator Coats has extraordinary judgment, a level head and is an expert in the field. Throughout his career, he has always put his country first, and I have no doubt he will bring that approach to this new job.

President-elect Donald Trump has tapped former Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana to serve as director of national intelligence, transition sources confirmed on Thursday.|By Jeremy Diamond

I will speak on the House floor shortly to express strong disapproval of the recent anti-Israel action by the UN Security Council. You can watch my remarks live here. Later today, the House will take a vote on a resolution that formally objects to this betrayal of our ally.

Follow the work of the U.S. House of Representatives straight from the Floor - live or anytime from your computer or mobile device - on Watch or download video of Floor proceedings dating back to the 111th Congress through the House's on-demand service.|By Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives

As we enter the next Congress, I’m confident 2017 will be a year of action. We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to take bold action and get results for the American people.

This starts with delivering on the promises made to Americans during election season, including repealing Obamacare, rolling back years of crushing federal regulation and getting tough on national security.

WASHINGTON (Tuesday, Jan 3, 2017) — Rep. Luke Messer (IN-06) was officially sworn in to serve as a member of the 115th Congress, which convened for the first time today.
Congressman for Indiana's 6th Congressional District
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