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My ERIC is a free tool that gives you access to personalized features.

About My ERIC

ERIC’s personalized Web resource, My ERIC, makes it easy to manage your ERIC searches, sources, and citations. My ERIC gives you the ability to save searches and interesting citations from your search results to access later from wherever you choose to do your online research. My ERIC participants also have the opportunity to share saved searches with a community of interest, and to submit their own works to be considered for the ERIC Collection through the Online Submission System.

Features & Benefits

  • Join a Community
    Each My ERIC user identifies a community of subject interest and a role related to that community when registering for membership. You can update your profile, as needed.
  • Save Searches
    My ERIC offers the ability to save simple or complex search strings. This feature makes it easy for you to continue ongoing research, check for new materials relevant to your work, or simply retrace your steps. Opt to share with your community and to get email alerts, sent weekly when ERIC has indexed additional relevant material. Searches can be saved with your choice of custom title for easy reference.
  • Manage Citations
    Each My ERIC user can create and use up to 10 custom folders to store as many as 50 citations each from ERIC search results. Saved citations can be printed, emailed to yourself or a fellow researcher, or formatted for import into many popular citation management tools.
  • Submit Materials
    Through My ERIC, you can submit non-journal materials relevant to education (e.g., conference paper, dissertation, research report) via the Online Submission System. You must be the copyright owner of any works submitted for consideration. These materials will be included in the ERIC Collection if they meet the selection criteria. You can check the status of your online submissions at any time by using My ERIC’s View My Submissions link.


To use My ERIC features, you only need to provide a valid email address, create a username and password, and select a community and role. You may opt to receive an email newsletter.


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Login to access My ERIC features -- save ERIC searches, manage your folders, initiate and track online submissions, or update your profile. (You do not need to register or login to conduct an ERIC search.)


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