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BlackBerry Wireless Messaging

What is a BlackBerry?

The BlackBerry is a pocket-sized device that gives a user a constant wireless connection to their Exchange-based email. It also functions as a personal information manager. It has syncing capabilities for the Exchange calendar, contacts, memos and tasks, as well as added pager-like functionality. This tool does not use an auto-forwarding rule to send email from your regular mailbox to some other place, but actually hooks into your NIH-sponsored mailbox for sending and receiving messages. When the user sends a message from the BlackBerry, it is placed in the sent items for future viewing. They can file messages in their account-based folders. It truly is an extension of the user's mailbox that can travel anywhere in the United States. Some models are useful overseas as well. You can find more information about BlackBerry at

BlackBerry Models

Not to scale, just a few images of the various models! For more detailed information, please check the RIM site at or directly on the carrier’s site.

5790 7200 Series 7700

5790 (957 replacement)

7200 Series


7100t 8700c 7500




Purchasing a BlackBerry

Please visit our web site for special pricing and service.

Whom to Contact

Account Removal Policy

Any BlackBerry user account that does not make contact with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) for longer than 30 days is subject to removal during our monthly maintenance window (3rd Friday of every month).


Additional information at NIH

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This page last reviewed: November 09, 2011