Call for Website Nominations

Contribute to EDSITEment's reputation for excellence by nominating a website with superior humanities resources. It's easy! Simply follow the links, below.

Nominate a Website

Submit a humanities site to be considered for inclusion on EDSITEment that you think would benefit K-12 teachers and/or students. More...

Past Winners

EDSITEment is proud to note that over 300 humanities websites have passed the required peer-review process. More...

Selection Process

Beginning with its inception in April 1997, EDSITEment has received several hundred website nominations a year that members of the EDSITEment staff and the NEH Division of Education Programs screen for eligibility and winnow to a list comprising 75 to 100 of the most promising humanities sites. More ...

Selection Process

Each year, beginning with its inception in April 1997, EDSITEment receives several hundred website nominations, which members of the NEH Education Division screen for eligibility and winnow to a list comprising 75 to 100 of the most promising humanities sites.