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Voting Information

Absentee Voting Information for Americans Abroad

The official U.S. Government website for overseas absentee voting assistance is the Federal Voting Assistance Program, which offers extensive information about absentee voting, including on line versions of Voter Registration/Absentee Ballot Request form (FPCA) and Federal Write-in Absentee Ballots (FWAB), state-specific instructions, links to state and local officials and much more.  This site is continually updated and has the most current information regarding deadlines and voting requirements for each state.

In addition, the Department of State’s website at Overseas Voting provides updated information on absentee voting for Americans living abroad including:

If you have any questions please contact our Voting Assistant Officer (VAO) at


  • Final Opportunities to Return Voted Ballots - October 24 

Embassies and consulates are not polling places.  The majority of states require voted ballots to reach local election officials by the close of polls on Tuesday, November 6.  U.S. citizens who want to participate in the 2012 U.S. elections should already have returned their absentee ballots to their local election officials.  U.S. embassies and consulates are not polling places; same-day in-person voting is not available outside the United States.

Ballot not yet sent to local election officials?  All voters who wish to participate in this election who have not yet sent their ballots to their local election officials should consider returning their ballot to the United States via an express courier service such as FedEx, UPS, or DHL.  Some states or counties may allow you to return your voted ballot electronically.  Check your state’s voting procedures at for guidance.

Find out more here.

  • Message for U.S. Citizens Completing and Returning Absentee Ballots 5 October 2012 

Forgot to register or request an absentee ballot?  Act immediately!  There are three options. 

Option #1:  Register and request a ballot today using the federal post card application at  Select the electronic ballot delivery option, include your email address (and fax number) and send it to local election officials in your state.  Almost every state lets you submit it by email or fax.  Once your application is processed they will send you your ballot via fax or email depending on your state.  Vote as soon as you receive the blank ballot.  Registration deadlines vary and some are as early as October 7, so check your state’s requirements carefully.

Option#2:  Follow the instructions in Option #1, but also complete and send in a Federal Write-in Ballot at the same time to make sure your vote is counted.  This option may be the best one for first-time voters if your state requires you to submit your Federal Post Card Application by mail.  Vote and submit your regular absentee ballot if/when it arrives.  Local election officials will count just one ballot per voter, and will use the regular ballot if it's received by the ballot receipt deadline.

Option #3:  Voters from the following states can use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot as a combined voter registration form, absentee ballot request, and absentee ballot:  Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington.  (NOTE: This form must reach your local election officials by your state's absentee ballot request deadline or voter registration deadline, whichever is first.)

Find out more on Singapore Voting Message for U.S. Citizens

  • Submitted  an FPCA  but have not received a ballot yet?

If you registered and requested an absentee ballot, but have not received it by October 1, you should go to to complete a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot. If you later receive your regular absentee ballot, vote and return it.  Local election officials will count just one ballot per voter, and will use the regular ballot if received by your state’s ballot receipt deadline.

  • Mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times.

The Federal  Voting Assistance  Program (FVAP) recommends  you send your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register and/or request your absentee ballot by August 15, 2012 to ensure that you receive your ballot in time to vote and return it to be counted.


    Be an active voter.  Start thinking about your participation in the U.S. 2012 elections today!

The Consular Section staff at U.S. Embassy Singapore is ready to assist with completing your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) -- the form you need to complete this year to participate in the 2012 elections as an overseas absentee voter.  Our purpose is to inform and educate you about your voting rights, to ensure you are able to exercise your right to participate in elections for federal offices (President, Vice President, Senator, and Representative), and to assist you with voting in state or local elections, if allowed by your state.

New absentee voting laws are in effect for the 2012 elections.  You will no longer automatically receive ballots based on a previous absentee ballot request.  All U.S. citizens outside the United States who want to vote by absentee ballot in the 2012 primary and general elections must complete a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) every year if they wish to vote from abroad.  States are now required to send out ballots 45 days before an election.  No matter what state you vote in, you can now ask your local election officials to provide your blank ballots to you electronically (by email, internet download, or fax, depending on your state).  You can now also confirm your registration and ballot delivery on-line.  Be sure to include your email address on the form to take advantage of the electronic ballot delivery option. Find out more at Voting Message for U.S. Citizens, Dec 2011 (64KB)

FVAP News Releases - Registration and Ballot Deadlines

Under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), the right to vote can be exercised by United States citizens in every corner of the world. Generally, all U.S. citizens 18 years or older who are residing outside the United States during an election period are eligible to vote absentee in any election for Federal office (this includes Presidential elections and the elections of Senators and Representatives).

Overseas voter assistance is provided by the Federal Voting Assistance Program. You can also call them toll-free from Singapore at 800-1203425.

The procedures and deadlines to vote absentee vary from state to state. However, the same document - the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) - is accepted by all states and territories as an application for both registration and for an absentee ballot.   The FPCA can be obtained at the Embassy or online at the Federal Voting Assistance Program.

Submission of voter registration materials

  • No appointment is necessary to submit Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) forms for voter registration or absentee ballot requests, or to talk with consular staff about absentee voting.  FPCA forms may be obtained and/or returned at the American Citizen Services window during regular operating hours.

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