The USA MEDDAC Family Readiness Group (FRG) is organized at Company level. It is an organization of Family members, Soldiers, and DoD Employees wanting to support the mission and our Soldiers. Everyone is a member of the FRG unless they have asked to be removed. Some of the members volunteer to provide information, mutual support and outreach services to the “Unit Family.” When possible, the FRG includes extended Family members (parents, siblings….) and those who have a significant relationship (fiancé…) with a Soldier in the unit that request information through their Soldier and are supportive of the FRG goals.

Welcome Families!

The day you arrive at Winn Army Community Hospital (WACH), you became our Family. Whether you are married or single, you do have some sort of Family, whether it is your parents or relatives, your spouse or children, or the Army Family, know that the FRG can play a vital role in keeping your Family members on track before, during and after a deployment and even during ongoing duty operations when you are at your home station. The FRG also provides a great way to get connected to other Army Families, services, the community and local events.

We form the third component of the Army’s Family Support System and serve as an important source of inspiration, training, and support to empower Army Families and to increase and enhance their self-reliance and resiliency.

During deployments, the FRGs goals are to support that Soldier’s Family while he/she is gone. It may consist of a phone call to check in or to share a newsletter and unit information. Just because the Soldier is gone, that does not mean the Family is to be forgotten.
We hope that this site will assist you in being more informed as to what is going on in your loved ones unit. We would like to try and ease the strain and stress associated with military related separation for both Family and deployed personnel and to enable our unit Family members to establish and operate a system through which they can effectively gather information, solve problems and maintain a system of mutual support.

Why the FRG is needed?

The Family Member: To foster a sense of belonging to the unit and community, and provide a vehicle for Families to develop friendships while they gain information about the unit and community. They also provide information, referral, and share support during deployments.

The Soldier: To enable the Soldier to concentrate on the mission at hand, and have the emotional readiness to carry out that mission.

The Command: To assist in developing resilient Families that are better able to cope and function in times of separation and or crisis. Through prevention and education programs and Family activities, FRGs can help Families overcome problems that are likely to impact adversely on Soldier performance. A well functioning FRG can minimize Family distracters’ conserving the Commanders time and resources for military purposes.

To find out how you can help support the FRG or for more information about what the FRG can do to support you, please contact our FRSA.

Office: 912-435-5087
1061 Harmon Ave Suite 1D03
Bldg 301 – Room 111 (Between the hospital and the MRI Bldg)
Fort Stewart, GA. 31314

Downloadable Documents for your convenience:

Married Soldier Formthis is one part of your in-processing step when you arrive to Medical Company.  Please feel free to complete & print it off so you can bring it with you when you in-process.

Single Soldier Formthis is one part of your in-processing step when you arrive to Medical Company.  Please feel free to complete & print it off so you can bring it with you when you in-process.

New Deployment Form - this form is done as you prepare to deploy. Please feel free to complete & print it off so you can bring it with you when you out-process.

Pre-Deployment Checklist for Families - Is your Soldier getting ready to deploy?  Do you want to make sure that you have everything you need?  Do you know what bills need to be paid?  Do you have the right access to accounts?  Check out the attached checklist just in case!

Pre-Deployment Checklist for Single Soldiers - Is your Soldier getting ready to deploy?  Do you want to make sure that you have everything you need?  Do you know what bills need to be paid?  Do you have the right access to accounts?  Check out the attached checklist just in case!

Care Package Ideaswant to send a Soldier a Care Package and don’t know what to send – check out these ideas!

FRG is proud to keep you up-to-date with current news & events in and around Fort Stewart. Please check back often as we will be posting new information frequently on our FRG News & Events page.

Check out our latest Flyers: