USGS - science for a changing world

National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program



State Mapping (STATEMAP) Information Sheets

Annually, each State Geological Survey generates an information sheet that shows the geographic location of all STATEMAP geologic mapping projects and a summary of these efforts, including year, funding, and a list of the associated geologic maps.

Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat® Reader® to view or print the STATEMAP Information Sheets. Most documents are very large (greater than 100 Kb). Download times will vary depending on your Internet connection. Expect download times exceeding 2-3 minutes for the largest files for slower dial-up connections.

Select a State to View Information Sheet:

Map of the United States Washington Oregon Nevada Idaho Montana Wyoming North Dakota California South Dakota Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Wisconsin Illinois Arkansas Louisiana Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Virgin Islands New York Vermont Maine New Hampshire Massachussetts Pennsylvania West Virginia Connecticut Rhode Island New Jersey Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Delaware District of Columbia Maryland

Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada|New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | U.S. Virgin Islands | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

If you cannot access the information contained in these Information Sheets, please contact the Program Assistant for STATEMAP and EDMAP.

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 07-Aug-2012 14:11:18 EDT