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  • thumbnail from the video
    The Final Truth - iTunes/iPad version

    The Final Truth Documentary - note: Download this version for iTunes/iPad  »

  • thumbnail from the video
    The Final Truth

    The Final Truth Documentary  »

  • Remarks by Secretary of State
    Remarks by Secretary of State

    Hillary Rodham Clinton’s International Women’s Day Message 

  • Nicaraguan National Journalists day
    Nicaraguan National Journalists day

    March 01 - Ambassador Callahan hosted Nicaraguan independent media owners, editors and reporters in his residence on Nicaraguan National Journalists’ Day. The Ambassador underscored the essential role played by an independence press in a democracy and praised the independent press for their courage and sacrifice in the name of freedom of expression and information. 

  • The Millenium Challenge Corporation
    The Millenium Challenge Corporation

    MCC Nicaragua is a five year, $175 million program by the government and people of the United States to help raise income and diminish poverty through economic development in the western region of Nicaragua  »