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Embassy officers visit schools as part of outreach program

January 17, 2013
PAO Winnie Hofstetter

PAO Winnie Hofstetter

Two U.S. officers spoke to students January 16 and 17  as part of the Embassy’s ongoing school outreach program.  Both spoke to students and teachers about their lives in the United States and what they do in Malta. 

On Wednesday, Public Affairs Officer Winnie Hofstetter visited Qormi San Gorg Preca College, Boys Secondary School to discuss NASA and space exploration.

Facility Management Officer Michael McMahon visited St. Benedict College, Qrendi Primary School on Thursday to speak about U.S. Wildlife and National Parks. 

The presentations were followed by comments and questions from the students. At the end of both events, Ms. Hofstetter and Mr. McMahon made donations of American books to the school libraries and the Heads of both schools, Mr. Vassallo, Head of Zebbug Boys Secondary, and Mr. Pace, Head of Qrendi Primary School, thanked the U.S. Embassy for the books and the visit. The students enjoyed the talks and poster shows that complimented them. The Embassy looks forward to future collaboration with these and other schools. 
If your school is interested in having an officer from the U.S. Embassy speak to a class, please contact us at