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Improving Stamina

Army Medicine Strategic Framework- Create Capacity, Enhance Diplomacy, Improve Stamina.

To move from a healthcare system to a system for Health, Army Medicine must impact the determinants of health - those lifestyle choices, social and environmental factors that contribute to overall health - that are at the heart of the Lifespace. Our success in doing this rests on our ability to create capacity, enhance diplomacy and improve stamina.

Increase organizational depth, resiliency and endurance in order to withstand periods of intense change and unexpected challenges, and ensure that the Anny Medicine System for Health is sustainable over the Iong-term.  Stamina is the ability to expend effort over time.  Increased stamina not only makes prolonged activity more sustainable but also facilitates short bursts of activity when unforeseen challenges arise.  Army Medicine must increase both organizational and individual stamina to withstand this intense period transformation from a healthcare system to a system for health, and then sustain the system for health for years to come.  When speaking of organizational stamina, the focus is on ensuring long-term sustainability for Army Medicine, looking over the horizon at the "next generation" of health care and health delivery.  Organizational stamina is built by improving and refining our infrastructure, training, leader development, knowledge sharing, and ability to innovate. By doing this we will create organizational depth and an enduring operating model.  At the individual level, improved health and resilience translate into improved stamina.  The World Health Organization defines Health as the "complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."  Health is an integral component of readiness and we, Army Medicine and Army Leaders must better prepare our Soldiers and their Families to negotiate the health risks facing them every day.  Equal importance must be placed on physical and mental fitness.  Army Medicine must look for opportunities to educate and influence the health of its patients, starting with the basics of activity, nutrition, and sleep.  Army Medicine's operational approach to improve Soldier and Family health and stamina will focus upon Activity, Nutrition, and Sleep Management (ANS).

Videos of individual Fort Meade MEDDAC / Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center Team Members discussing how they are meeting the Army Surgeon General’s Army Medicine Strategy 2020 Strategic Imperatives.

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