Principal's Welcome

Dr. Deborah L. CarlsonWe hope you will be pleased and excited by what you find here for students. AEIS is an intermediate school, which serves students in grades three through five. Historically, Amelia Earhart Intermediate School has been recognized as a School of Excellence, and our students consistently score above the national averages on standardized tests. Our excellent staff and faculty are constantly working toward raising student achievement in a safe and secure environment where every child can receive an education that is second to none. Besides offering standards-based instruction in the core subject areas at each grade level, AEIS also offers large group specialists instructing Art, Foreign Language (Spanish) Music, Host Nation, and Physical Education.

Our small group specialists include Gifted Education, Special Education, Math Support Services, and Language and Reading Improvement. In addition to the excellent classroom instruction, each of our students is given the opportunity to participate in curricular study trips that reinforce and excite the classroom curriculums. Our school also offers many cross-cultural experiences here in the Okinawa as well.

Our list of After School Activities is also extensive. From Homework Club to Sports Club, there is something for everyone. To ensure that all interested students have the opportunity to participate, we offer an After School Activity bus, for our bus riders. Also, co-curricular study trips are offered to those students participating in After School Activities.

Amelia Earhart Intermediate School’s philosphy statement is: “Success In Education is a Partnership In Responsibility.” This means that ALL here at AEIS welcome and expect active participation and involvement in the education of our students from command, community, and parents. It is the partnership that makes the difference. I invite you to visit our school and see the fine job our teachers do here everyday. Please do not hesitate to write with any questions you might have.

To learn more about AEIS, please visit the DoDEA Data Center to find standardized test scores for AEIS Students.