Immunization Requirements

Immunizations Graphic

DoDEA, in alignment with the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, is committed to easing the challenges of military families moving between duty stations. For families transitioning to a new duty station and enrolling in DoDEA schools for the first time, there is now a provision, allowing a 30-calendar day grace period for parents/students to meet immunization requirements after school enrollment. The intent of this provision is to avoid any interruption in the transferring student’s education. The health and the welfare of all students is a top priority for DoDEA. The Department of Defense sets immunization requirements for DoDEA schools based on recommendations from the Center of Disease Control. Compliance with immunization requirements greatly reduces the risk of public health issues. School nurses and local military medical treatment facilities stand ready to assist parents in meeting these requirements promptly.

Okinawa District Health Information

2010 DoDEA Immunization Requirements