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MEPI Program Areas

Fostering Prosperous Societies

The sustained development and prosperity of the MENA region depend on national and local governments, domestic firms, private individuals, and enterprises with the tools to create economic growth. MEPI sponsors a series of economic projects that work hand-in-hand with each of these groups to create a framework for sustained growth.

Expanding Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a key vehicle to improve economic conditions and expand job creation and social change in the MENA region. MEPI is committed to fostering economic and social entrepreneurship to unlock innovation, spur private sector development, and create new employment opportunities for the region’s young population.

Commercial and Legal Reform
Dynamic trade and investment and a robust private sector demand a consistent, transparent, and impartial regulatory framework. Through projects focused on promoting international best practices, MEPI works with governments and private sectors to improve the business investment climate and thus encourage growth throughout the MENA region.

Promoting Trade and Investment
MEPI projects help MENA economies connect to the world economy and access the advantages of the international trading system.  To this end, MEPI supports the implementation of trade agreements that the U.S. has signed with partners in the region to improve opportunities for bilateral trade and investment.  MEPI also supports private sector development to take advantage of broader trade opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the engine of employment and economic growth.