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Culture Workshops: Introduction

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These workshops give commanding officers a snapshot of their unit's culture. This snapshot is developed by trained facilitators who carefully listen to unit members. The workshops identify potential hazards that might interfere with mission accomplishment. They also identify command strengths. Using the workshop findings, unit leaders can better focus on those areas requiring risk assessment and risk controls. The ultimate goal is operational excellence and the development of positive behaviors that contribute to warfighthing success.

Items of Interest

FY11 Cultural Workshop Summary Message

Cultural Workshop Do's and Dont's 

Package Information

To request more information on how to schedule a Culture Workshop at your command, send an email or call the schedule POC. Below is a sample of the package you will receive should you decide to schedule a Culture Workshop:

Additional Tools for the Commander

Process Details

POC Responsibilities

Team Member Responsibilities 

Background Articles

Thoughts on the Culture Workshop, by Capt. David Quessenberry, USNR

Culture Shock, by LT Pat DeConcini, The Combat Edge

Zero Tolerance, by William Matthews, Air Force Times

Culture Workshops, by Capt. Dave Quessenberry and LtCol. Spike Boyer

 Commanding Officer Observations  

In FY12/13, we asked participating commanders this question: To what extent would you recommend this program for other squadrons? Here are a few of their comments:

 I think it is one of the best, if not the best tool to help shape a command and make positive corrections/adjustments.  The concept, approach and execution were fantastic.  This is one of the best programs we have! 

 -  As the highlighted issues mirrored the CSA/ MCAS, plans were already in place to mitigate the concerns of my sailors.  The Workshop brought to my attention some better examples of the issues than the CSA/ MCAS could and presented new methods of attacking the problems. 

-  This is the “hands down” best tool for commanding officers to identify areas in need of improvement.


-  We were very pleased with both the process and the discussion it generated.  I would highly recommend this program to all squadrons and used the information provided to me as a means to back-brief leaders at all levels.


-  It was the first time I have had detail mentoring from a Marine Col. My MAG CO is actively engaged in 10 squadrons allowing for detail mentoring and observations for improvement being less precise and more holistic. The insight and recommendations were priceless and allowed me to validate my campaign and rudder change on others that needed emphasis. Highly recommend it. Those that resist are hiding something!


-  I will most highly recommend this program to other squadrons because of its insight, objectivity and confidentiality.  It truly provides a command view that is unique and the view is kept within the confines of the command,  bolstering its position as a valuable tool. 


-  I have and will continue to advocate this process. It is invaluable as a tool for CO’s.  Wish we could do it yearly instead of every 2 years.


-  This program is a must for incoming CO’s.


-  This is an essential tool for commands to assess their readiness without reprisal.  At its core, it provides leaders an objective, unbiased opinion into the inner workings of the squadron and a road map to addressing those problems.

External Links

Safety Climate Assessment Homepage