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2012 News & Events

John Avlon Visits Denmark

Learning more about the U.S. election
Ambassador Fulton introduces John Avlon after her remarks. Photo: State Dept.

Ambassador Fulton introduces John Avlon after her remarks. Photo: State Dept.

Q & A after the presentations Photo: State Dept

Q & A after the presentations Photo: State Dept

During his two-day program in Copenhagen, April 18-19, CNN political analyst John Avlon gave the key-note lecture at a seminar on the U.S. Presidential Election at the Danish Institute for International Affairs (DIIS) alongside Ambassador Fulton, Vibeke Schou Tjalve, DIIS, and Niels Bjerre Poulsen, University of Southern Denmark. The seminar had a packed audience including students, scholars, diplomats, and journalists. The presentations focused on current and recent U.S. foreign policy achievements, their role in the Presidential election both now and historically as well as the nuts and bolts of a U.S. election campaign. The Q & A session was lively and covered many aspects of U.S. foreign policy and how it is perceived in the U.S.
John Avlon's visit provided a unique opportunity to add more perspective and substance to already substantial overage of U.S. politics in Denmark. His focus on the rise of independent voters and the consequences of polarization was especially well received among the audience.
Mr. Avlon also found time to give an in-depth interview with Denmark’s largest newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, and to brief Danish MPs at the Parliament.