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Speeches & Remarks 2009

India key partner on way forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ambassador Roemer following President Barack Obama's December 1 announcement

December 2, 2009

New Delhi -- Following President Barack Obama's December 1 announcement of the new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the U.S. Ambassador to India Timothy J. Roemer said, "Our core goal in Afghanistan and Pakistan -- to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat terrorist networks -- is an aspiration we share with India. We must unite in the commitment of our civilian resources, and provide the tools for economic development and humanitarian aid to eliminate the extremist violence that is the enemy of peace, faith, democracy, tolerance, fundamental freedoms and human rights."

President Obama has announced significant and closely coordinated military and civilian resources for Afghanistan. He has directed us to work together to strengthen the Afghan National Security Forces so that the Afghans can take the lead in reclaiming and governing their own country. We are helping to create jobs for the Afghans which are critical to undermining the appeal of the brutal extremists while insuring sustainable, economic growth in the long term, with agriculture as our top development priority.

The President also announced substantial civilian resources for Pakistan. He noted that we are enhancing the Pakistani government's capacity to meet the immediate needs of its people, facilitate sustainable economic growth, and building on Pakistan's success in the fight against the militancy and global terrorism that threatens not only Pakistan's stability, but the peace of its neighbors and the world. Ambassador Roemer noted, "In order for this new strategy to be effective, the U.S. and Pakistan must work together to hold terrorists accountable for their actions and to offer terror networks no safe haven."

President Obama indicated that while our military presence in Afghanistan is not open-ended, we have enduring interests in the region and will remain politically, diplomatically, and economically engaged in Afghanistan and Pakistan for the long term.

Ambassador Roemer stated, "India is a key, global partner of the United States and we value the positive role India continues to play in the region, including its significant humanitarian contributions to Afghanistan. Our nations share a common goal -- to see a world free of the global terrorism that threatens our people where they worship, live, work, and study. We are committed to working steadfastly together to accomplish this goal."