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Local Resources

Medical Assistance:

If you become sick or hurt, the Embassy can provide you with a list of local doctors (PDF 70 KB), dentists, and medical specialists.  If you are injured or become seriously ill, at your request we can inform your family or friends.  Please note that the U.S. Embassy assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons or medical facilities whose names appear on the list.

Legal Assistance:

When in Jordan, please note that U.S. citizens are subject to Jordanian jurisdiction and to applicable Jordanian laws and regulations.  Travelers to Jordan are actively encouraged to familiarize themselves with applicable laws, regulations, customs and norms.  The Jordanian legal system is different from the legal system in the United States and may be unfamiliar to U.S. citizens in Jordan.  The Embassy has a short guide to the Jordanian legal system; you may print that guide here: Jordanian Legal System.

View information on legal assistance in the United States.

The U.S. Embassy is committed to providing the full range of American Citizen Services to all U.S. citizens present in Jordan.  U.S. citizens who are dual nationals, however, should realize that holding Jordanian nationality may complicate legal matters.  Please see our information on Dual Nationality (PDF 14 KB).  The Embassy maintains a list of local attorneys who are familiar with Jordanian law.  You may also print that list here: List of Attorneys (PDF 160 KB).

The U.S. Embassy assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons whose names appear on the list.

Assistance in Obtaining Funds:

If you need financial assistance while in Jordan, we can help you to contact your family, friends, bank, or employer to arrange for them to send money to you through a variety of available commercial or transfer channels.  The U.S. Embassy does not provide financial assistance to U.S. citizens unless the individual’s circumstances necessitate an immediate intervention.

Assistance in Cases of Arrest of an American Citizen:

The U.S. Embassy cannot get you released from jail; Jordan is a sovereign country and all persons in Jordan are subject to Jordanian laws.  However, the ACS section can work to protect your legitimate interests and to ensure that you are not discriminated against.  We can provide a list of local attorneys (PDF 134 KB), visit you, and contact your family and friends on your behalf.  You may also find our information regarding Dual Nationality (PDF 14 KB) and the Jordanian Legal System (PDF 18 KB). Visitation rights by the Embassy to U.S. citizens are subject to local laws and notification procedures.  It usually takes at least one week before the Embassy receives permission to visit detained U.S. citizens.

Fingerprinting Services:

The Embassy does not provide fingerprinting or background check services, however, we can point you in the right direction.  You will need to go to the Criminal Forensic Lab Department, which is located in the Tabarbor area behind the police central workshop of vehicles, opposite to the Queen Alia Military Hospital.  They will take your fingerprints there and certify the card.

Upon completion you will need to take the card to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office located at First Circle.  An official there will verify the credentials of the Forensic Lab Department, and add his own stamp and signature to the fingerprint card.

Finally, bring the fully executed fingerprint card to the Embassy and we will certify the signature of the Jordanian government official.  Please note that you will need an appointment for a notarial service.  You can then mail your completed and notarized fingerprint card to the U.S. for your background check.

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