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Political/Economic Section

Trinidad and Tobago is an important player in the Caribbean and, more broadly, in the hemisphere, ensuring our political interaction with it remains vibrant.  The Political/Commercial Section shares information on U.S. policy with the government of Trinidad and Tobago, and consults and cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries and government entities on items of mutual interest and concern.

It also partners with the U.S. Department of Commerce's Commercial Service in Santo Domingo to promote the export of U.S. goods and services and assist small and medium-sized U.S. companies achieve export success. Please note that counseling or other information provided by our office does not relieve business people of the need to research business prospects independently and obtain expert advice from local legal, accounting, or other private advisors before undertaking business transactions. 
Businesspersons should visit to find the latest market analyses, trade events, trade and investment climates, and trade leads for Trinidad and Tobago. Select Market Research in the Find Opportunities menu and follow the link to the Market Research Library.  Access to all market data will require registration with the U.S. Commercial Service.


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