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Released: July 4, 2011 - Remarks

Comments of Consul General Grace Shelton

Independence Day Reception

June 30, 2011

·       Thank you, Andrew.  And wow!  Wasn’t Jen Osmand’s singing of the U.S. anthem so wonderful and moving?

·       Good evening, everyone.

·       I’d like to recognize:

1.   His Excellency, the Governor, Sir Richard Gozney KCMG

2.   The Honorable Premier Paula Cox, JP, MP & Germain Nkeuleu

3.   Ministers &

4.   Other distinguished guests.

·       Welcome to Cedarhurst to mark this special day for the United States.   I’m so glad that you are all able to be here to help celebrate our 235th Independence Day.  Your presence on this occasion highlights the friendship and understanding between our two countries.

·       I’d also like to recognize and thank this evening’s sponsors:


Arch Capital Group

Ariel Re

Axis Capital


BGA Wholesale & Pitt&Co

Butterfield & Vallis

Challenger Banks

Dunkley’s Dairies

Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd.

John Barritt & Son Ltd.

Validus Re


·       Thank you all very much for helping make tonight possible.  We couldn’t have done it without you.

·       Now, I’d like to read some excerpts from President Obama’s Independence Day message to our embassies and consulates around the world.

·       [START MSG]   

Ø “Hello everyone.  And to all you who are gathered at our embassies and consulates around the world, happy 4th of July.  Today is a day to celebrate the very essence of America-the spirit and freedoms that have defined us as a people for more than two centuries and that have inspired countless others around the world.” 

Ø The President noted that we at the Consulate are joined today by our friends and partners.  He said, “I want all of you to know that strengthening our ties with your countries, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect, will always be a cornerstone of my foreign policy.  Because today, we face challenges that no single country can meet alone.  We will only realize the security, prosperity and opportunity that our peoples seek if we recognize the humanity we share and work together in common purpose.”

Ø The President ended his message by saying, “Thank you for your partnership.  God bless you all, and have a very happy 4th of July.” 

·       So, thank you for being here tonight.  We’ve got all the trappings of an American Fourth of July party – we’ve got the heat, we’ve got the red, white & blue decorations, we’ve got a super band - the Kennel Boys - and we’ve got the hot dogs, hamburgers, and apple pie.  And in recognition of  the excellent US/Bermuda relationship, we also have codfish cakes!

·       Now I’d like to thank our wonderful emcee, Andrew Holmes, from 441 Productions and welcome back tonight’s entertainment, the Kennel Boys. 

·       Please, enjoy yourselves.