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Released: September 9, 2012 - Local events will mark 9-11
Royal Gazette reporter Jonathan Bell

Remembrance ceremonies for the lives lost a decade ago on September 11 will be attended this Sunday by US Consul General Grace Shelton.

Ms Shelton will lay a wreath and hold a moment of silence at the 9/11 memorial in the Botanical Gardens.

She will read a brief statement at a 4pm memorial service hosted by the Rt Rev Patrick White at the Anglican Cathedral.

On Tuesday, US Consulate staff will pay their respects for the ten-year anniversary by planting a rose bush on the consulate grounds.

Saltus also announced yesterday that the event would be observed on Monday, when headteacher Ted Staunton will place a wreath at a memorial tree to alumnus Boyd Gatton. Also killed in the 9/11 attacks was former Saltus student Robert Higley, who will also be remembered.

The ceremony will be held at 9.30am at the school’s main campus on St John’s Road.