News / Economy

European Leaders Welcome Free-Trade Plan

President Barack Obama, flanked by Vice President John Biden and House Speaker John Boehner delivers his State of the Union speech Feb. 12, 2013
President Barack Obama, flanked by Vice President John Biden and House Speaker John Boehner delivers his State of the Union speech Feb. 12, 2013
Michael Scaturro

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by: JKF from: Ottawa, Canada
February 15, 2013 3:18 PM
The EU has a high number of regulatory standards, including carbon trading related issues; they are not tarrifs but can in fact put companies at a disadvantage, as if they were tarrifs, if the companies are not working and complying with those standards to access EU markets. The production outputs of the EU, in the larger EU nations, are optimized to meet high outputs under those standards, and may become trade disadvantages for US based production facilities. A very in depth professional analysis is in order, to ensure that US production facilities will not lose more internal markets to EU producers; which will translate into more unemployment. This type of analysis does not appear to have been done wrt China, which ended up under-cutting US producers, shutting them down, with a tremendous loss of well paying US jobs, and having a negative effect in NA beyond the US.
We see the EU production issues, causing the total loss of internal markets, which are absorved by the large EU economies, in the smaller nations of the EU. These losses lead to ever growing unemployment in those smaller producing countries.
Globalization has been a complete bust for US/Canadian workers, their families, and it has devastated entire communities and towns. Canada is becoming a natural resource pool and a service based economy; and the US is even worse off, in terms of employment prospects.
Any trade deals must not only balance trade $ and be good for billionaires, but they need to be good for production facility outputs, to ensure a growth in well paying employment, and not end up in more unemployment.

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