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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Juvenile cod, photo: Mandy Lindeberg

Nearshore Fish Atlas of Alaska

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For information on the distribution, relative abundance, and habitat use of nearshore fishes in Alaska, temporarily unavailable (takes about 1 minute to load completely). You may download data from your search results.


NOAA Fisheries Auke Bay Laboratories and the Alaska Regional Office designed this web-based Atlas to provide information on the distribution, relative abundance, and habitat use of nearshore fishes in Alaska. Shallow, nearshore waters are some of the most productive habitats in Alaska and the most vulnerable to human disturbance. To date, using a beach seine as our sampling method, we have documented over 100 fish species in a variety of nearshore habitats in an effort to identify Essential Fish Habitat (EFH). The Atlas is dynamic and will be updated regularly as we continue sampling throughout Alaska. More info...


  • Provides a quick reference for identifying species in areas designated for development or impacted by human disturbance (e.g., oil spill).
  • Allows resource managers to track long-term and large-scale changes in fish distribution and habitat use that may result from global climate change.
  • Helps resource managers prepare biological opinions and identify habitats essential to different life stages of commercially important and forage fish species.


Scott W. Johnson
Fisheries Research Biologist
NOAA Fisheries
Auke Bay Laboratories
PH: (907) 789-6063
Email: scott.johnson@noaa.gov
Expertise: nearshore sampling, eelgrass, habitat, ROV

John F. Thedinga
Fisheries Research Biologist
NOAA Fisheries
Auke Bay Laboratories
PH: (907) 789-6025
Email: john.thedinga@noaa.gov
Expertise: nearshore sampling, habitat, ROV, forage fish

Mandy R. Lindeberg
Fisheries Research Biologist
NOAA Fisheries
Auke Bay Laboratories
PH:(907) 789-6616
Email: mandy.lindeberg@noaa.gov
Expertise: taxonomy and ecology of Alaskan macroalgae, ShoreZone mapping