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Lost or Stolen Visa

If your visa was lost or stolen, please report the incident immediately to the Consulate or Embassy that issued your visa.  

To report lost or stolen visas issued outside Guadalajara, click here: Ciudad Juarez | Hermosillo | Matamoros | Merida | Mexico City | Monterrey | Nogales | Nuevo Laredo | Tijuana

For lost or stolen visas issued in Guadalajara, please report them by email to: LASV-GDL@State.Gov. The email must supply the following information (Please number your information in the order provided below--if you are reporting missing visas for more than one person, please send one email per person):  

Personal Information:
1. Complete name (As listed on your lost/stolen visa): FIRST Name(s), LAST Name(s)
2. Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YEAR)
3. Place of Birth:
4. Telephone: (Area code + Telephone number)  

Visa(s) information:
5. Was the visa(s) lost, or stolen? [if not sure, write "lost"]
6. Approximate date when visa(s) was lost/stolen: ( DD/MM/YEAR)
7. What kind of visa(s) were lost or stolen? Please indicate all. Examples:

  • Tourist/Business
  • Student (for study in the US)
  • Work Visa
  • Artist/Performer Visa
  • Other  

When re-applying for a visa, please let your Consular officer know that you have completed your online report--it will speed up your interview.  

Please note that the Consulate cannot provide assistance in cases of lost U.S. green cards.