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Education & Development
The first U.S. Education Mission to India, led by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar visits New Delhi, October 10, 2011.

The first U.S. Education Mission to India, led by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar visits New Delhi, October 10, 2011.

At the close of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's meetings with the Government of India July 20, 2009, the two governments issued a joint statement regarding their intentions to accelerate the growth of their bilateral relationship to enhance global prosperity and stability in the 21st century. The two governments outlined a Strategic Dialogue that will focus on five principal pillars:  strategic cooperation; energy and climate change; education and development; economics, trade and agriculture; science and technology, health and innovation. Through a coherent structure of bilateral working groups, the two governments will address a wide range of issues with the goal of producing concrete results.

Education and Development working groups will enhance our partnership in education and initiate discussions about women's' empowerment. Here are some of the activities between the two governments that are advancing education and development cooperation.