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Awards - Complete Story Archive

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Awards Highlights:

Cheryl Morrison
2011 Excellence in Partnering Award

Jim Gardner and Chris Fielding
James V. Gardner, 2012 Shepard Medalist for Excellence in Marine Geology

Daniel R. Cayan and Thomas E. Parsons
USGS Scientists Selected as Fellows of the American Geophysical Union

Marcia McNutt, Lori Caramanian, Betsy Boynton, Matthew Cimitile, and Ann Tihansky
Video Podcast Series Wins 2011 USGS Shoemaker Award

Paul Hsieh, his wife Christine Peterson, and USGS Director Marcia McNutt
USGS Scientist Honored with Federal Employee of the Year Medal

Screen shot from the Core Archive Portal
Award for Poster on Web Access to USGS Core Repository

Virginia Burkett and Gloria Reuben
USGS Scientist Wins National Wildlife Federation Award

National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis presents a Director
Jeff Williams Receives NPS Director's Career Achievement Award

David Rubin
David Rubin to Receive Pettijohn Medal

map of a turbidity-current channel off southern California
Best Poster Award from Pacific Section AAPG

Cover of award-winning publication.
Awards for USGS Publication on the Coral Reef of South Moloka'i, Hawai'i.

Karen L. McKee, Janine Powell, Wayne Wiltz, Beth Vairin, and Christina Boudreaux
USGS Employees in Louisiana Garner Awards

Jeff Williams
Jeff Williams Receives 2009 Coastal Zone Foundation Career Award

Cover of report
Findings Used to Preserve Coral Reef

Kevin Lafferty
Research Achievements in Parasitology

Amy Draut
Amy Draut Wins SEPM 2009 James Lee Wilson Award

Gene Shinn and Terry Edgar
Shinn Wins SEPM Twenhofel Medal

Debbie Norling, David Applegate, and Randy Updike
Norling Receives Diversity Award

Employees of the USGS National Wetlands Research Center
National Wetlands Research Center Staff Receive Awards

Keith Kvenvolden
Kvenvolden Honored at International Conference

Cover of USGS Circular 1302
USGS Circular Wins Blue Pencil Award

John Eadie and Josh Ackerman
Best Publication in The Condor

Ralph Cheng and Anne Kinsinger
Ralph Cheng Receives Distinguished Service Award

Abby Sallenger shows Fox TV reporter Steve Nicholls how Dauphin Island, Alabama, changed during Hurricane Katrina
Abby Sallenger Wins USGS Shoemaker Award for Lifetime Achievement in Communication

Carolyn Price and Jess Weaver
USGS Employees Recognized for Contributions Over Many Years of Service

Ann Tihansky
USGS Hydrologist Honored for Outstanding Community Outreach

Brian Collins receives the Best Paper Award from Councillor Roger Mazillius
USGS Researcher and Academic Collaborator Win Best Paper Award

Kim H. Haag receives the Distinguished Service Award from LeRoy Poff
Honoring the Commitment to Excellence

Rob Kayen, Onder Cetin, Les Harder, Kohji Tokimatsu, and Robb Moss, with American Society of Civil Engineers Honorary Member Ralph Peck
USGS Researcher Receives Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers

Jim Reid, Howard Kochman, Cathy Beck, Brad Stith, Cathy Langtimm, Amy Teague, Gaia Meigs-Friend, and Bob Bonde
USGS Sirenia Project Receives Manatee Hero Award

Captain David Olson presents a plaque to Marc Blouin
Scuba Scouts Recognize USGS Employees

Dirk Derksen presents a DOI Meritorious Service Award to USGS research zoologist R. Mike Anthony
Western Region Biologists Receive 2006 DOI Honor Awards

Jon Stock accepts award
USGS Ridge-to-Reef Team Honored for Work in Hawaiian Islands

Charles R. Demas, P. Patrick Leahy, Thomas J. Casadevall, James B. Johnston, George J. Arcement, Garron B. Ross, and Benton D. McGee, Gaye S. Farris, Craig Conzelmann, Gregory J. Smith, Deborah A. Norling, Wayne Norling, William R. Jones, and Robert E. Doyle
USGS Team Receives Service to America Medal

Debbie Norling
Debbie Norling Honored with Excellence Award

Lauren Yeager
USGS Intern Receives Fulbright Scholarship

Elkhorn coral
USGS Scientists Receive Coral Reef Task Force Award

Helen Light
USGS Biologist Honored by Fish and Wildlife Service

Dave and granddaughter Tess
David Scholl Selected as AGU Fellow

Fulbright Senior Specialist Beth Middleton
Wetland Ecologist Named Fulbright Senior Specialist

Image of Hawai
Award for USGS Map Hawaii's Volcanoes Revealed

Guy Gelfenbaum and his wife Terry
Tsunami Researchers Win the Western Region Communicator of the Year Award

William R. Normark and Francis P. Shepard Medal
William R. Normark Receives Francis P. Shepard Medal

Dave Wegener, Abby Sallenger, Kim Yates, Peter Betzer
USGS Personnel in St. Petersburg, Florida, Win Awards

Natalie Trahan, Sue Lauritzen, Cindy Pao
National Wetlands Research Center's Staff Receive Awards

white-spotted filefish surrounded by sea fans
Coral-Reef Researcher Wins Prestigious Award

Jake Gregg, Nancy Elder, and Paul Hershberger
Scientists Rescue Boy from Rip Current

Jim Estes
Jim Estes Wins Shoemaker Award

Telly Award
USGS Video Receives Silver Telly Award

Stewart and Herring
Bob Stewart Named Professional Conservationist of the Year

Normark and Oremland
Normark and Oremland Selected AGU Fellows

Ed Clifton
Clifton to Receive Pettijohn Medal

Photo of surf crashing on the rocks of one of the Farallon Islands
USGS Book Wins Outstanding Publication Award

Caroline Rogers
NPS Honors Caroline Rogers for Her Coral-Reef Research

Jim Estes accepts the Ed Ricketts Award
USGS Scientist Receives Ed Ricketts Marine Science Award

Gene Shinn
Shinn Wins 2002 Shoemaker Distinguished Achievement Award

Steve Eittreim
Eittreim Receives Monterey Bay Award

recycling award
Recycling Program Honored by the City of Menlo Park, CA U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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This page is
Updated January 18, 2013 10:12 AM (JSS)