Posts Tagged ‘National Arts Centre’

Houston Ballet Master Class

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Houston Ballet Master Class with Steven Woodgate a success!

On October 20th, local Ottawa and Gatineau students had the opportunity to attend a free Ballet master class with Steven Woodgate, world-renowned Ballet Master for the Houston Ballet. Mr.Woodgate was brought to Ottawa for this special dance event as part of the U.S. Embassy grants partnership program, which supports the promotion of American culture in Canada.

It was a full class with thirty–three ballet students, as well as four local ballet teachers who observed the class. Mr. Woodgate took the time to make individual corrections and suggestions to the students and focused on the importance of repetition in order to refine movement.

Feedback from participants and their families was immense. One participant described the class as a “dream opportunity to access profound knowledge, understanding and love of one of the most beautiful arts in the world. It is also a great privilege to be able to dance in the NAC magnificent dance studio to the live notes of superb pianists on a grand piano”.

Participants were very grateful to the Ottawa National Arts Centre, the Houston Ballet and Mr. Woodgate, and the American Embassy of Ottawa for making this opportunity possible. As one participant so eloquently put it, “providing equal access to arts and physical education is the best way to ensure healthy, educated and inspired societies, fundamental elements of happiness”.

To learn more about dance professional Steven Woodgate, please see his bio here.