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Remarks & Statements

Remarks & Statements

U.S. Ambassador Donald Gips

A compilation of remarks, statements, and articles written by U.S. government officers from the Mission and those visiting South Africa. 

"South Africa and the US share a common history of struggle and triumph. We revere the individual heroes who risked everything to end our unjust systems of apartheid and segregation." Ambassador Gips on "The man who changed America- for good"  


  • Democracy in action: Every four years, the US engages in its biggest test of democracy: presidential elections

    People both here and in the US follow our election as much as they would a sporting match. The difference is that the goals are scored by those with the ideas, policies and the style that most appeal to the American public.- Ambassador Gips writes for City Press, 10/07/2012  City Press »

  • Africa booming, says Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies (August 3, 2012)

    In a brief appearance at the summit, US ambassador to South Africa Donald Gips said that Agoa had become significant both for his country’s and Africa’s economies. He said African countries, combined, had exported $53 billion (about R438 billion) worth of merchandise into the US without paying import duty. Last year, South African exported vehicles were worth over $2 billion (about R16 billion) to the US, said Gips. 

  • Freedom Day, April 27, 2012

    April 22, 2012: Ambassador Gips writes for City Press: "Happy Freedom Day, South Africa. As South Africans celebrate 18 years of democracy, the United States celebrates with you. Through the lessons of South Africa, and the work of our own people, America is reminded to strive for the idealistic image of ourselves that our citizens hold in their hearts."  

  • Africa, US need to work together to create employment

    Mar 27, 2012: Ambassador Donald Gips writes for Business Report: "By playing an important role in Africa’s growing economic dynamism, US businesses can create more jobs both on the continent and in America. It’s simple: free trade builds jobs and bolsters economic growth for both partners."  Original article »

  • World Tuberculosis Day

    March 24, 2012: Statement by by USAID Southern Africa Director, Jeff Borns: "On World TB Day, observed each year on March 24, the United States reaffirms its commitment to working with partners to fight this disease. We are committed to supporting programs that save lives and foster a more secure world by focusing our efforts in countries where the burden of the disease is highest." 

  • We need models of what works

    March 22, 2012: Ambassador Donald Gips writes for the Daily News: "In this turbulent time, the world needs fewer ideologies and sermons, and more real-life models of what works. Countries like South Africa show that democracy can work, that governments that listen to their people are the most successful and that basic principles of human dignity matter deeply." Original article »

  • U.S. Consul General Erica Barks-Ruggles delivers her remarks on U.S. elections to the  Institute of Security Studies, Cape Town.
    Super Tuesday and the Role of Primary Elections in Choosing an American President - Remarks by Consul General Erica Barks-Ruggles

    March 6, 2012. Institute of Security Studies - "Primaries and caucuses are a long, expensive and at times apparently chaotic way to choose a party candidate. But beneath the hoopla and despite the confusion, primaries advance some very important democratic values. They produce tested candidates, with closely scrutinized personalities, in the general election. They ruthlessly probe and clarify the candidates’ positions on critical issues." 

  • The Right Constitution

    February 27, 2012: Ambassador Donald Gips writes for the Sunday Times: "In South Africa, the constitutional drafters deliberately turned from the country's sad history of isolation to a future of inclusiveness, framed by a document that protects the rights of citizens to prosper without discrimination. Many people consider the South African constitution to be one of the most progressive in the world." Original article »

  • The man who changed America - for good

    February 14, 2012: Ambassador Donald Gips writes for The Sowetan: "While praise naturally falls on the great leaders of the past - Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr - this Black History Month, I'd like to pay tribute to an individual who was neither a political activist nor a politician, a man whose contribution, however, was no less vital to the America's struggle for freedom and equality. Jackie Robinson was an American baseball player" Original article »

  • South Africa and Sudan Transformations: Comparisons and Contrasts

    January 18, 2012: Address by Princeton N. Lyman United States Special Envoy for Sudan and former Ambassador to South Africa: "It is an honor and a privilege to be asked the Dirco to give this address in connection with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the ANC. The ANC has such a proud history. It undertook the long fight for justice and freedom for the people of South Africa."  

  • South Africa and the U.S. Common Challenges, Common Goals

    January 14, 2012: Remarks by Consul General Erica Barks-Ruggles to S.A. Institute for International Affairs: "Today South Africa and the United States are both vibrant, diverse, multi-cultural, and multi-racial democracies. We both have a history of struggle for social justice. And in both countries our diversity is our greatest strength."