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Death of a U.S. Citizen

If a U.S. citizen passes away while in Pakistan, the American Citizens Services Unit can act as a liaison in arranging the disposition of remains and help forward any personal effects if there is no one in Pakistan to do so.

The 24-hour phone number for the Embassy is (+92) (51) 208-0000.  From the United States, call the Department of State at 1-888-407-4747.  

Obtaining a Death Certificate (called a Consular Report of Death Abroad)
Even if no assistance is needed, the death of any U.S. citizen should be reported to the Embassy so that a Consular Report of Death Abroad can be issued. This report is like a death certificate, and can help family members settle legal and estate matters in the United States. The report is official and written in English.  You can read more information here. 

The Embassy will issue the Consular Report of Death Abroad when the following documents are provided: 

  • Original death certificate from local authorities.
  • Doctor's report with cause of death listed.
  • Original passport of the deceased. Please be aware that a consular officer is required to cancel the deceased's passport before the Consular Report of Death Abroad can be released.

Disposition of Remains

The Embassy can communicate with the next of kin and communicate their wishes about the disposition of remains to the local authorities.  Please note that: 

  • Pakistani regulations require that a deceased person must be cremated, buried, or embalmed within 72 hours of death. Embalmed remains can be held in cold storage until instructions are received from the next of kin about disposition of the remains.
  • The Embassy will assist in arranging documentation for remains to be shipped to the U.S., and will assist with preparations according to the direction of the legal next of kin. All costs are the responsibility of the next of kin.
  • Please bear in mind that mortuary and embalming services are limited in Pakistan, and not always up to U.S. standards. The U.S. government does not provide funding to help with shipping remains or other costs associated with funeral arrangements.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Embassy with questions by phone or by email at