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Information For:

All Attendees
Main Hall Exhibitors

Application Forms and Floorplans for Main Hall Exhibitors

WeatherFest Exhibitors

Application Forms (Teacher and Corporate) and Floorplans for WeatherFest Exhibitors

Oral Presenters
Poster Presenters

Advertising Rates and Information for the November BAMS: Meeting Program Issue and the Annual Meeting Program


AMS’s K-12 Science Teachers Educational Outreach Initiative
Purpose: Connect teachers with some of the most innovative and forwarding thinking scientists in our Nation and to create a partnership to enhance our Nation’s ability to understand the causes of andresponse to severe weather events.

First-Time Attendees

This session is designed to provide first-time attendees with an overview of the annual meeting and suggestions on how to get the most out of their time while attending the meeting


Press credentials are required for access to all conferences, special programs, and the exhibits.

93rd AMS Annual Meeting

The theme for the 2013 AMS Annual Meeting wasTaking Predictions to the Next Level: Expanding Beyond Today's Weather, Water, and Climate Forecasting and Projections.  Read More