Meaningful Work, Community Inclusion

Innovative Projects

Our projects range from local transition and employment services, to federally-funded national research, development, dissemination, and policy development initiatives.

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lightbulb over man's head signaling idea

School to Adult Life Transition

TransCen is a transition center and provides a wide range of personalized employment and transition services to youth and adults with disabilities and other life barriers.

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student working at a college book store

Technical Assistance

TransCen offers dynamic and tailored training and technical assistance available for federal, state, and local government agencies, public and private companies and organizations, and many more. Our training and technical assistance covers a wide range of topics focused on transition, integrated employment and post-secondary education for youth and adults with disabilities, catered to your needs!

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Join our mission: Improving lives of people with disabilities through meaningful work and community inclusion!

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Join our mission: Improving lives of people with disabilities through meaningful work and community inclusion!

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Innovative Projects

lightbulb over man's head signaling idea

Innovative Projects

Our projects range from local transition and employment services, to federally-funded national research, development, dissemination, and policy development initiatives.

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School to Adult Life Transition

student working at a college book store

School to Adult Life Transition

TransCen is a transition center and provides a wide range of personalized employment and transition services to youth and adults with disabilities and other life barriers.

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Technical Assistance

training graphic

Technical Assistance

TransCen offers dynamic and tailored training and technical assistance available for federal, state, and local government agencies, public and private companies and organizations, and many more. Our training and technical assistance covers a wide range of topics focused on transition, integrated employment and post-secondary education for youth and adults with disabilities, catered to your needs!

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