

Valerie finds a new friend, Oscar, while she is bicycling.
To her surprise, Oscar is a talking otter and he leads the way to his estuary. Valerie learns that Oscar's home is dying and she can help restore the estuary.
What challenges will she face? How will she get back home? What shadows are watching her progress?

“Where Rivers Meet the Sea” is a virtual field trip into a west coast estuary. Part imaginary and part real, the characters are challenged to learn about the factors that produce a healthy estuary, food webs, and the importance of estuaries to ocean life and humans.
This interactive experience is available as a game, a story, and soon as a play.


Watch and play online: PLAY GAME

Online Flipbook and Printable PDF

  1. Read online: Flipbook
  2. Print the book and the activities associated with it: Print

School Play

We are in process of converting the “Where Rivers Meet the Sea” story into a school play.
The play can be presented by older students (grades 4-5-6) to younger students. It can also be adopted for younger audiences altogether.
If your school is interested in participating in this initiative, or has presented the play, please contact us. We would be happy to showcase your production.